GSDI President Bas Kok co-chaired the second technical session of the ISPRS Working Group on Spatial Data Infrastructure during the ISPRS XXI Congress held in Beijing between 3-11 July 2008
On July 11, 2008 Prof. Bas Kok, President of GSDI Association co-chaired the first Technical Session of the ISPRS Working Group IV/1 on Spatial Data Infrastructures, arranged by Dr. Jie Jiang of the National Geomatics Center of China and Programme Organiser of the Congress.
Professor Kok also delivered an introduction to the 11th GSDI Conference during the second Technical Session of the Working Group on 11th July 2008. It was moderated by Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp of HUNAGI, and Secretary of the GSDI Association.
The session had four presenters including Prof.Chang-qing Zhu from China who gave an overview of the watermarking algorithm devoted to vector geospatial data. Toshimitsu Ishiwata from Japan introduced a data platform for promoting environmental management of coastal zones. The presentation of O.A.Ogundele of RECTAS in Nigeria generated considerable discussion and excellent contributions from Croatia, Nigeria, India and Iran. The subject of his paper dealt with the institutional development aspects of SDIs. He emphasized the prospects and challenges for the federal state in developing countries. His presentation was an excellent subject for the following presenter, namely Bas Kok, who addressed issues on the introduction of the evolution of global/regional/national SDI initiatives. These developments pinpoint the importance of capacity building, a top-down/bottom-up approach in legislation framework and institutional developments, as well as the importance of standards and frameworks to ensure interoperability.
The presentation was concluded with a film, offering message from the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment highlighting the societal benefits from SDIs, and an invitation by the Mayor of Rotterdam to the next GSDI-11 Conference to be held in his city in June 2009.
Professor Bas Kok also participated in the meeting of the JBGIS Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies, held during the ISPRS Congress in Beijing.
He also participated in a courtesy meeting hosted by the First Vice Premier of the Chinese Government, where a Beijing Declaration was signed.
As summarized by Congress Director Chen at the Closing Ceremony, according to this document, today we
„establish and operate a new „silk road“ for information from imagery, leading to people-centered and development-oriented information society.
- commit adequate investment and active engagement in scientific research and development, education and training as far as capacity and infrastructure building,
- promote the sharing of imagery technology and data for scientific research and peaceful applications,
- encourage constructive dialogue and close cooperation and collaboration between scientists, governments, public and private sectors , non-governmental organisations, and international organisations and institutions.“
Remetey-Fülöpp, Gábor (dr)
Report written for GSDI Newsletter. Published in the UNSDI HUCO newsblog by the kind permission of Ms. Karen Levoleger of the Dutch Kadastre, Assistant for GSDI President in the International Affairs. Her kind contribution is very much appreciated.
On July 11, 2008 Prof. Bas Kok, President of GSDI Association co-chaired the first Technical Session of the ISPRS Working Group IV/1 on Spatial Data Infrastructures, arranged by Dr. Jie Jiang of the National Geomatics Center of China and Programme Organiser of the Congress.

The session had four presenters including Prof.Chang-qing Zhu from China who gave an overview of the watermarking algorithm devoted to vector geospatial data. Toshimitsu Ishiwata from Japan introduced a data platform for promoting environmental management of coastal zones. The presentation of O.A.Ogundele of RECTAS in Nigeria generated considerable discussion and excellent contributions from Croatia, Nigeria, India and Iran. The subject of his paper dealt with the institutional development aspects of SDIs. He emphasized the prospects and challenges for the federal state in developing countries. His presentation was an excellent subject for the following presenter, namely Bas Kok, who addressed issues on the introduction of the evolution of global/regional/national SDI initiatives. These developments pinpoint the importance of capacity building, a top-down/bottom-up approach in legislation framework and institutional developments, as well as the importance of standards and frameworks to ensure interoperability.
The presentation was concluded with a film, offering message from the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment highlighting the societal benefits from SDIs, and an invitation by the Mayor of Rotterdam to the next GSDI-11 Conference to be held in his city in June 2009.
Professor Bas Kok also participated in the meeting of the JBGIS Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies, held during the ISPRS Congress in Beijing.
He also participated in a courtesy meeting hosted by the First Vice Premier of the Chinese Government, where a Beijing Declaration was signed.
As summarized by Congress Director Chen at the Closing Ceremony, according to this document, today we
„establish and operate a new „silk road“ for information from imagery, leading to people-centered and development-oriented information society.
- commit adequate investment and active engagement in scientific research and development, education and training as far as capacity and infrastructure building,
- promote the sharing of imagery technology and data for scientific research and peaceful applications,
- encourage constructive dialogue and close cooperation and collaboration between scientists, governments, public and private sectors , non-governmental organisations, and international organisations and institutions.“
Remetey-Fülöpp, Gábor (dr)
Report written for GSDI Newsletter. Published in the UNSDI HUCO newsblog by the kind permission of Ms. Karen Levoleger of the Dutch Kadastre, Assistant for GSDI President in the International Affairs. Her kind contribution is very much appreciated.
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