Short report has been sent by Prof. László Zentai for the visitors of the HUNAGI-UNSDI HUCO blog:
"Thirty participants attended the first two weeks of a hands-on Workshop on Cartography in Tehran, Iran. The workshop, held from 9th to 13th May and from 16th to 20th May 2009, was organised by the National Cartographic Center of Iran and the ICA Commission on Education and Training (CET). The workshop was hosted by the National Cartographic Center (NCC), and in particular staff of the Cartography Department, NCC ICA delegate Babak Shamei, and the deputy manager of the Cartography Department, Mehrdad Jafari. Participants were primarily NCC staff involved in map production associated with the publishing of country maps, city maps, street directories and atlases.Workshop I
The workshop was presented by the MSIA President, David Fraser and Colin Arrowsmith from the RMIT University, Melbourne.
There were presentations and hands-on sessions on the topics of the Earth's geometry, map projections, topographic maps, map design and cartographic information systems. The workshop focused on the identification of issues and techniques that would assist employees of the NCC in their map design and production. David Fraser used his background in cartography to lead discussion into how the existing NCC map products could be altered to take advantage of sound design principles. Presentations and discussion were backed up with tutorials. Colin Arrowsmith focused his presentations on cartographic information systems and guided the participants through two GIS based practical exercises.
Workshops II
The second part of the workshop was managed by László Zentai (Eötvös University, Budapest) and Antal Guszlev (Nav N Go Ltd., Budapest), the Hungarian members of CET.
The topics were Cartographic information systems (part II), Internet mapping, Atlas production and Prepress & Digital Printing. The Hungarian contributors used their experiences in map publishing and webmapping and organized two groupwork excersises for the participants.
A further one week workshop being presented by David Forrest and Mike Shand from Scotland on the topics of digital generalisation, 3D & geovisualization; multimedia products, location based services, cartographic animation & dynamic maps and navigational maps.
CET is going to organize a similar workshop in Vietnam in November 2010."
Excursion to Isfahan: László Zentai, Colin Arrowsmith, Antal Guszlev with their hosts Mehrdad Jafari and Reza Ahmadyieh (NCC), David Fraser Image courtesy by Prof. Zentai, 2009

More information on the affiliation of the Hungarian experts:
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