Conference, the views of the Dutch students on Geo-information were also articulated. Arguments are shown on the larger image.

Response was given by Paul Kelly (small picture), Chair of the SDI WG of the FIG Commission 3 Geographic Information Management).
Executive Director of EuroGeographics Dave Lovell urged after the Conference and the follow-on GSDI Board Meeting to pay more attention to this situation. Promotion should be made and awareness should be raised much earlier as in the higher education. As an example, the Geography Ambassadors program under the auspices of the Royal Geographical Society was called referring to the URLs:
Executive Director of EuroGeographics Dave Lovell urged after the Conference and the follow-on GSDI Board Meeting to pay more attention to this situation. Promotion should be made and awareness should be raised much earlier as in the higher education. As an example, the Geography Ambassadors program under the auspices of the Royal Geographical Society was called referring to the URLs:
Mention should be made, orchestrated from Rotterdam on the same morning, HUNAGI just initiated to establish links between the 77-years old Farkasréti Primary School and the Chair of Cartography and Geoinformatics of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in order to share geography-related knowledge for the interested pupils. On the same day, a lecture was delivered by Dr. Előd Juhász, geologist, scientific traveller of our blue planet organised by the SASFA Board of the School's alumni (as posted on June 18 in the HUNAGI Newsblog at http://hunagi8.blogspot.com).
Mention should be made, orchestrated from Rotterdam on the same morning, HUNAGI just initiated to establish links between the 77-years old Farkasréti Primary School and the Chair of Cartography and Geoinformatics of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in order to share geography-related knowledge for the interested pupils. On the same day, a lecture was delivered by Dr. Előd Juhász, geologist, scientific traveller of our blue planet organised by the SASFA Board of the School's alumni (as posted on June 18 in the HUNAGI Newsblog at http://hunagi8.blogspot.com).
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