Friday, December 24, 2010

Government By The Rejected

Our Constitution is based on Government By The People; NOT Government By The Rejected!
The team of Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their hacks in the liberal press celebrated this week. Not for the Birth of Christ but for passing a number of pieces of major legislation during the “lame duck” session.
Essentially what they accomplished was to give the American people the proverbial finger!
On Nov 2nd the American people rejected the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team and their policies and legislation and sent 60 new Congressmen to Washington to change the course of the Government. What the American people got for Christmas was more raw arrogance.
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid team rammed through a laundry list of legislation that clearly should have been extended into January to comply with the wishes of The People.
The Russians have delayed until 2011 consideration of the nuclear weapons and antimissile START treaty; apparently passage in Dec 2010 wasn't important to them!
The issue is not which pieces were good or not good.
The issue is that the American people had made the biggest change in their government in over 50 years and their new government should have been the representatives to address all major new legislation.
Once again the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team have show their disdain for The Constitution and The American People. What a sad period in American History.
One can only image the hue and cry from the liberal media if a Republican administration had carried out such an ugly raw power coup.
Just more hope and change and hypocrisy we can depend on!

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