Monday, January 31, 2011
Foi feito um laboratório musical e produzimos esse vídeo artesanal com o Samba do Papagaio 2011.
Assistam e prestigiem o Carnaval 2011.
Ensaio do Bloco do Papagaio
Domingo teve mais um ensaio em preparação para o desfile carnavalesco do Bloco do Papagaio. Trata-se de momento de mobilização da comunidadee preparação para o desfile de 2011. O Bloco do Papagaio participa ativamente do resgate histórico do Carnaval de Rua de Muriaé levando para a Avenida desfiles criativos e sempre preocupado com dimensão a pedagógica.
O Bloco do Papagaio é muito mais que um grupo carnavalesco é um Projeto Social . Com Oficinas de percussão desenvolvidas no bairro Aeroporto o bloco é parte integrante do Projeto Ponto de Cultura que é apoiado pela Secretaria Estadual de Cultura através do Programa mais Cultura do Governo Federal.O Bloco do Papagaio também conta com o apoio do Conselho Municipal de Defesa dos Direitos das Crianças e Adolescentes através do FIA - Fundo da Infãncia e Adolescência
Em 2011, buscamos inovação criatividade e muita alegria...
Megan Fox
Megan Fox born as Megan Denise Fox on May 16th, 1986 in Rockwood, Tennessee is a famous and beautiful American actress and model. She best known for her star role in Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Megan Fox, the stunning beauty was born to Darlene Tonachio, a former Roane County Tourism Director in Tennessee. Megan Fox is of French, Irish and Cherokee descent. Megan Fox
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Molly Peacock and Dean Kostos Tues, 2/15 at Tillies of Brooklyn
Poetry Grows In Ft. Greene
The Brownstone Poets Presents:
Molly Peacock and Dean Kostos
Tuesday, February 15
Starts at 7p.m. – Sign up at 6:45 p.m. – We must be out by 9 p.m.
Tillies of Brooklyn
248 DeKalb Ave. (corner of Vanderbilt and DeKalb)
Brooklyn, NY 11205 Phone # (718) 783-6140
Take the J, R or Q trains to DeKalb Avenue, the C to Lafayette, the G to Clinton/Washington
2, 3, 4, 5 to Nevins St.
$3 Donation – plus Food/Drink – Limited Open Mic - one poem (3-minute limit)
Dean Kostos
Dean Kostos’s books include: Last Supper of the Senses, The Sentence That Ends with a Comma, and Celestial Rust. He co-edited Mama’s Boy and edited Pomegranate Seeds. His poems have appeared in Western Humanities Review, Boulevard, Southwest Review, Chelsea, Stand Magazine, on Oprah Winfrey’s Web site, and elsewhere. His literary criticism has appeared on the Harvard UP Web site, in The American Book Review, and elsewhere. He teaches at The City University of New York, Wesleyan, and has served as literary judge for Columbia University’s Gold Crown Awards.
Molly Peacock
Molly Peacock is the author of six volumes of poetry, including The Second Blush and Cornucopia: New & Selected Poems, both published by W.W. Norton and Company (US and UK) and McClelland and Stewart (Canada). Her poems have appeared in leading literary journals such as The TLS, New Yorker, The Nation, The New Republic, and The Paris Review, as well as in numerous anthologies, including The Best of the Best American Poetry and The Oxford Book of American Poetry. She is the Series Editor for The Best Canadian Poetry in English and the Poetry Editor of the Literary Review of Canada. She serves on the Graduate Faculty of the Spalding University Brief Residency MFA Program in Creative Writing. Her latest work of nonfiction is The Paper Garden: Mrs. Delany Begins Her Life’s Work at 72, published in Canada by McClelland and Stewart, in the US and the UK by Bloomsbury, and in Australia by Scribe Books.
She is now working on a book-length poem called, AlphabeTique: the Lives of the Letters as Written by T.
The Cupcake Chronicles #4 is Up and Running on Symmetry Pebbles, A New, Edgy Online Journal from the UK
Here comes the bride and groom cupcakes. A delicious spoof on what sometimes might happen at a wedding. Cupcake Chronicles #4 is up and running in the January 29 edition of Symmetry Pebbles, a new, edgy online journal from the UK.
Summit, submit!
Send to editor, Richard Thomas, no more than three poems, along with a short bio to Please put your name and email address on each poem.
O IFOP na Cachoeira do Gato
Se data estivesse no planejamento anual da instituição, não teria dado tão certo !
- Essa foi a sensação que tive ao compatilhar alguns momentos muito agradaveis com a companheirada do IFOP. Com presença de diversos membros e seus familiares, todos pudemos desfrutar de um delicioso churrasco e mais o frescor da Cachoeira do Gato, em Patrocínio do Muriaé;
Radical Muslin Brothers Taking Cairo
We’re watching history repeating itself.
We watched as Jimmy Carter verbally and politically escorted Ayatollah Khomeini and his Revolutionary Guards into Tehran and now we’re watching Obama verbally and politically escorting Mohamed ElBaradei (the UN nuclear loser) and his Radical Muslim Brotherhood into Cairo.
As the Radical Muslims take over Lebanon, North Africa, Palestine, Pakistan and continue to wage major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama chooses to ignore the world disorder in his State of The Union Speech last week and he continues to avoid acknowledging that Radical Islam is waging World War against us.
Apparently calling this world war that has been launched against us a “War on Terrorism” might make our enemies upset. We never had that issue before with any previous President of the US! We could sure use a man like Theodore Roosevelt again!
Obama’s “reaching out” and KowTowBowing to our enemies has emboldened them and they have consolidated their efforts to attack us and our friends with an increasingly violent and ever widening front. Something about Chamberlain and Hitler!
And to reflect that we had to listen to Obama and Hillary denigrating Condoleezza Rice and her conduct of foreign affairs. What a pathetic memory!
What a sad sight watching Americans scrambling to escape from a country that has been a friend and ally for many years. Wonder what the Israeli’s are thinking today?
So you keepers of the Democrat and Left-wing view: Are we and the world safer now than we were two years ago?
So much for Obama and his’ Hope and Change!
And N0 Mr. Democrat Congressman Moran from Northern Va, it's not his skin that's a problem, it's his thoughts, views, policy, decisions and choices that make him unsuited to be President of the US!
Prior Items:
We’re watching history repeating itself.
We watched as Jimmy Carter verbally and politically escorted Ayatollah Khomeini and his Revolutionary Guards into Tehran and now we’re watching Obama verbally and politically escorting Mohamed ElBaradei (the UN nuclear loser) and his Radical Muslim Brotherhood into Cairo.
As the Radical Muslims take over Lebanon, North Africa, Palestine, Pakistan and continue to wage major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama chooses to ignore the world disorder in his State of The Union Speech last week and he continues to avoid acknowledging that Radical Islam is waging World War against us.
Apparently calling this world war that has been launched against us a “War on Terrorism” might make our enemies upset. We never had that issue before with any previous President of the US! We could sure use a man like Theodore Roosevelt again!
Obama’s “reaching out” and KowTowBowing to our enemies has emboldened them and they have consolidated their efforts to attack us and our friends with an increasingly violent and ever widening front. Something about Chamberlain and Hitler!
And to reflect that we had to listen to Obama and Hillary denigrating Condoleezza Rice and her conduct of foreign affairs. What a pathetic memory!
What a sad sight watching Americans scrambling to escape from a country that has been a friend and ally for many years. Wonder what the Israeli’s are thinking today?
So you keepers of the Democrat and Left-wing view: Are we and the world safer now than we were two years ago?
So much for Obama and his’ Hope and Change!
And N0 Mr. Democrat Congressman Moran from Northern Va, it's not his skin that's a problem, it's his thoughts, views, policy, decisions and choices that make him unsuited to be President of the US!
Prior Items:

Kurt Schwitters, reconstruction of the Merz Barn, 1947

archeological sculptures from the British Museum together with early XX century sculptures

Easter Island Sculpture next to a Henry Moore

Jacob Epstein's very virile alabaster Adam, 1939

Antony Caro's bench from his 1953 Whitechapel exhibition

Alfred Gilbert's monument to Queen Victoria, 1887 and Charles Wheeler's Adam, 1934-35 in the background

Frederic Leighton, Athlete Struggling with a Python, 1877

Barbara Hepworth, Single Form (Memorial), 1961

Henry Moore, Reclining Figure, 1951

Victor Pasmore and Richard Hamilton, an Exhibit, 1957

Anthony Caro, Early One Morning, 1962

Tony Cragg, Stack, 1975

Damian Hirst, Let's Eat Outdoors Today, 1990-91

Liam Gillick, Big Conference Platform Platform, 1990s (back left)

Rebecca Warren, Martin Boyce, Julian Opie, etc...

Gustav Metzger's Page Three Girls
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Craig Garrett

Catherine Lampert

crowd at the opening
Press Release:
Victoria Miro is delighted to announce an exhibition of new paintings by Varda Caivano, her second solo show with the gallery. Evocative, elusive, and exuding a quiet confidence, Caivano's paintings present a series of explorations of the medium and the language of abstraction. In her practice, abstraction undergoes a rigorous examination, reinforcing this painterly territory as fluid, undetermined, and open for constant re-evaluation.
Caivano's works are the result of an extensive decision-making process, each brushstroke and colour conceived in relation to the one that came before within the particular space of the canvas. Yet arrived at is not simply an object - a painting - but an encounter: with memory, desire, emotion; something within grasp yet just out of reach. Conveying a sense of the improvised, each canvas contains it's own painterly journey - the collection of marks in unision reveal the whole as greater than the sum of its parts.
The artist's subtle play between surface and depth, material and image, colour and texture registers a tension between the familiar and the unknown, akin to an experience of language forgotten and almost remembered, or a melody lodged deep in the unconscious. Suggestive of liminal spaces, each work bears a decentralised composition held together by its own resonant energy: paint is pushed and pulled across the canvas, built up and withdrawn, lapses and drifts and, suddenly, announces its place. Importantly, time is key to the making and viewing of Caivano's works, as the structure of her paintings is seemingly always in transition, something that unfolds and is still unfolding.
Varda Caivano was born in 1971 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and graduated from Royal College of Art in 2004 with an MA in Painting. Her paintings are included in the British Art Show 7: In the Days of the Comet, which will be on view in London at the Hayward Gallery from 16 February. Other recent exhibitions include Collection 2 - Focus on Recent Acquisitions, National Gallery of Osaka, Japan (2010); Resonance, Suntory Museum, Osaka, Japan (2010); East End Academy: The Painting Edition, Whitechapel Gallery, London (2009); M25 Around London, CCA Andratx Art Centre, Majorca, Spain (2008); Busan Biennale, South Korea (2008); Very Abstract and Hyper Figurative, curated by Jens Hoffmann, at Thomas Dane Gallery (2007); and solo exhibitions at Chisenhale Gallery, London (2007) and Kunsterverein Freiburg (2006). Varda Caivano is a recent recipient of the prestigious Abbey Award, British School at Rome and she will take up the fellowship during 2011.
Proposta Pedagógica da Oficina de Elaboração de Projetos culturais

Com a falta de formação técnica na elaboração de projetos, muitos produtores culturais deixam de ter seus projetos aprovados acarretando prejuízos e dificuldades no desenvolvimento de posteriores ações culturais.
Público alvo
Associações de bairro ou comunitárias, produtores culturais, artístas populares, grupos de teatro, grupos foclóricos, Ongs, Oscips e outros interessados
- Promover, por meio de metodologia participativa, o conceito da elaboração de projetos culturais destinados à captação de recursos via Lei Municipal de Incentivo a Cultura, identificando as características da fonte de financiamento com foco no desenvolvimento artístico cultural local.
- Permitir aos participantes o adequado planejamento dos projetos, discutindo estratégias e estruturas que favoreçam o alcance aos objetivos finais dos mesmos.
A Oficina de Elaboração de Projetos tem um perfil técnico que abrange teoria e exemplos práticos, por meio de apresentação em “powerpoint”, texto base e participação gestores culturais em depoimentos pessoais.
Sandro Areal Carrizo
Educador em escolas de Muriaé, fundador e atual coordenador da Ong Movimento Pró Cultura e também do SindUte- Sindicato Ùnico dos Trabalhadores da Educação de Muriaé, membro fundador do Grupo AMA-Amigos do Meio Ambiente e também do IFOP - Instituto de Formação Popular. Licenciado em Filosofia, Ciências Sociais e Geografia. Especialista em Geografia Humana e Mestre em Educação e Sociedade com pesquisas na área de novas tecnologias, educação, política, cultura e Juventude. Membro do Conselho Municipal de Alimentação Escolar, membro do CMDCA - Conselho Municipal de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e Adolescente. Produtor e gestor do Ponto de Cultura desenvolve projetos aprovados em inúmeros editais
Vinicius Mendes Ventura
Bacharel em Serviço Social, Coordenador Municipal e Orientador Social do Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens (PROJOVEM) na Prefeitura Municipal de Muriaé/MG, Pesquisador em Juventudes e Políticas Públicas, Consultor Social & Organizacional, Conselheiro tutelar ocupando a cadeira de 1º suplente, Educador Popular, Assessor na elaboração de projetos e comunicação no Instituto de Formação Popular, Membro da Diretoria da Rede Cáritas de Leopoldina/MG, Assessorias/Palestras a órgãos públicos e diversas entidades com enfoque na área de Juventude, políticas públicas e sociais, Gestão de Pessoas e Projetos, fé e política, ética e política, cidadania, dinâmicas de trabalho em equipe e liderança, planejamento institucional e na elaboração de projetos para aquisição de recursos
R$ 10,00
IFOP - Instituto de Formação Popular
Movimento Pró Cultura
Elias Muratori
Como escritor, publicou centenas de artigos e crônicas abordando temas político-sociais, em diversos jornais locais, dentre esses: Gazeta de Muriaé, Correio Muriaeense e Jornal Zona da Mata nos anos 80 e 90. No Jornal de Muriaé assinou a coluna fragmentos de abril a novembro de 2005. Atuou por longo tempo como colaborador do Portal Intermicro, publicando diversas matérias jornalísticas e a coluna fragmentos, atualizada semanalmente. Lançou seu primeiro livro HISTÓRIAS, FÁBULAS E PARÁBOLAS em agosto de 2004.Atualmente faz palestras em escolas, semanas acaêmicas e outros, abordando o tema do livro lançado em 2004.
R$ 10,00
Data e Horário
05 de fevereiro das / 13:00 ás 17:00 horasRealização
Movimento Pró Cultura
Cool and popular men hairstyles trends for spring 2010
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents Cool and popular men hairstyles trends for spring 2010If you want to change your haircut best thing is to look at the stars style haircut. Sure as the stars appear everywhere, but important is to see the latest haircuts appeared to inspire, because celebrities are spearhead about fashion trends.Here are some cool and popular men haircuts and hairstyles trends
Friday, January 28, 2011
Biblioteca Comunitária do Aeroporto recebe doações de livros
A Biblioteca Comunitária do bairro Aeroporto recebeu na tarde de hoje, 28/01, a doação de 03 exemplares do livro Impressões Cotidianas. Os exemplares foram autografados pelo autor e professor Adellunar Marge, e serão parte do acervo bibliográfico do Movimento Pró Cultura .
Na oportunidade, cumprimentamos o Prof. Adellunar pelo Livro e agradecemos a doação dos exemplares que enriquecerão nossa Biblioteca.
Audrina Patridge Reality Star
Audrina Patridge Reality StarThe reality star Audrina Patridge is very conscious about the style she carries many of the times she has been spotted wearing some of the beautiful dresses which suit her in the best way. Beautiful hills star was seen wearing a gorgeous white dress one shoulder strap dress on the celebrations of America’s Independence Day in Las Vegas.The Hills-Fashion and Hairstyle:
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Giant Rose Parade Along Snow York's Park Avenue
I was surprised yesterday to see this awesome stainless steel and fiberglass garden along Park Avenue from 57th Street and up. Past the slush and snow mounds, I was able to snap some photos of these delightful specimens. They remind me of decorative cupcakes dusted with confectioner's sugar. What a nice contrast against the snow! I hope this means that spring will be debuting soon in Snow York. The roses will stick around through May. Three cheers to artist, Will Ryman, for his whimsical artwork. And I just love that Lady Bug on top.
Check out this video on NY 1:

grafitti by Radames 'Juni' Figueroa, sculpture by Josue Pellot
A PERSON OF COLOR curated by José Lerma
"We have a lot in common. He is a person of color -- although not a color that appears in the natural world." President Barack Obama on John Boehner.
"I wanted to curate a show in the manner that I would make a painting. I thought orange would be a nice warm color to have in Milwaukee in the middle of January."
José Lerma
Artist exhibiting in the show include:
Andrew Guenther, Angel Otero, Brian Maller, Carmelle Safdie, Christopher Rivera, Cristina Tufiño, Daniel Sullivan, Derrick Buisch, Doug Mellini, Geoffrey Todd Smith, George Wilson, Gregg Perkins, Hallie Mcneill, Hans Viets, Harriet Salmon, Hector Arce, Hector Madera Gonzales, Kate Ruggeri, Kristof Wickman, Jacob Marchowsky, Jess Fuller, Joe Pflieger, Jonathan Torres, Josue Pellot, Mark Schubert, Matias Cuevas, Matt Nichols, Mike Andrews, Phillip Vanderhayden, Radames "Juni" Figueroa, Samuel Toro Rosa, Scott Calhoun, Sebastian Vallejo, Sophy Naess, Tim Bergstrom, Travis Krupka, Zach Buchner.
The Green Gallery East
1500 North Farwell Ave
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
January 21 through February 27, 2011
hours: Th 4-8 pm, F, S, Su 2 – 6 pm
ph: 1.414.226.1978
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