Roanoke Times, 1-16-11, Pg 3: As global warming trends continue, experts say, more extreme weather could become the norm. Global land and ocean surface temperatures rising 1.12 degrees F above normal.
Without presenting any data, the authors (and their unknown experts) state that global climate will create more extreme weather than “normal” (whatever that is) and that things will get really bad because we’ve had a 1.1 degree F increase above normal temperature (whatever that is).
Why are the Editors of the Roanoke Times cutting down perfectly good trees to print this tripe?
By totally natural variations, since 950, the earth has gone through the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age without benefit of man-kind activity. It’s interesting that the darling of the Climate Alarmists, UVa Prof Mann, ignores these major climate periods and does not include them in his totally discredited “hockey stick” prediction of global apocalypse (the highlight of the Gore Inconvenient Truth diatribe).
The following Jan 12, 2011 NASA graphic indicates that the earth has warmed 0.85 deg C (1.5 deg F) over the past 130 years. During the period 1880 to 1940 the warming was about 0.4 deg C. Then there was a significant cooling of about minus 0.2 deg C from 1940 through 1975 (this in spite of major increases in CO2 due to WW2 and increased post-war industrialization). The subsequent warming of about 0.6 deg C leveled off in 1998 and there as been no significant warming in the past 10 years although there have been some hot days and some cold days.
So why does the liberal major media and their friends at the Roanoke Times continue to publish mis&disinformation? What are their agenda and objectives? Perhaps they just love Al Gore and his obscene accumulation of wealth based on generating mass fear and anxiety. Or perhaps they have major holdings in alternative energy stocks that aren’t doing very well. Or perhaps they just blindly follow their mentors at the Washington Post without question or analysis or alternative sources of valid data. Whatever it is, it’s quite sad. One should really concentrate on spreading heifer-dust on fields and not on people.
Click on Graphic to Enlarge

Prior Items:
Yes Virginia (UVa) You Do Have To Share the Mann Data
The Blizzards of 2010 – Yet More Global Warming
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