Part 6 - Für immer Dein - Forever Yours ♥
I couldn’t believe what I saw. That was the most amazing view ever. We were on the hill. A narrow path led down to a huge beach. You could smell the salt water. I breathed in and closed my eyes for a second to enjoy this wonderful moment.
‘harry that’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for taking me here.’ , I said smiling.
‘thank you so much for coming with me babe’, he replied
Did he just call me babe? OH MY GOOOOOOOOOSH.
‘How about going down to the beach’, he asked
‘I’d love to.’
We walked down the path and he took my hand. His hand felt so soft and warm. I don’t know why but I kinda started to fell for this boy. ..he was just so sweet and I felt comfortable being with him. At the end of the path I stopped and took of my shoes. Harry smiled and took my hand again. We continued walking. With my left hand I held harrys and with my right my ballerinas. The sand slit between my pink-painted toenails.
Suddenly Harry started to scream. ‘Lets play tag’
‘haha seriously?’, I smiled. He started to run after me and I ran as fast as I could. It didn’t took him long until he reached me. He put his hand on my shoulder and I fell down. So did he. I don’t know how it happened but I found myself lying on top of him. Our faces were just 2 centimeters apart. Our noses almost touched. His mouth came closer I don’t know why but I turned my face to one side. Why did I do that ? I wanted to kiss him. I wanted it so bad. But maybe it was too early ? I didn’t want to ruin everything. It was just so perfect.
‘and now I have got an idea what we can do’, I smiled. I explained what I wanted to do harry liked it. He wasn’t angry or something about the kiss thing. He started to walk around and pick up shells. I lay down on the sand and he put the shells around me. When he was ready he helped me to stand up.
‘haha that’s so cool. I always wanted to do something like that.’
‘it really looks good. But now your whole back is full of sand. I think we should wash that away’, he laughed at me.
‘what do you mean with wash iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah’ he picked me up and ran to the sea. ‘oh my gosh no. harry stop it. Stop stop stop’, I screamed laughing.
I somehow handled it to throw my bag away. Just in time. 5 seconds later I felt the cold water. ‘whuaaaaa harry that’s ffreaking cold’, I screamed
‘but now your clean’, he laughed
There we were. Standing in the water which reached up to our shoulder. He still held me tight. ‘you can stop carrying me now’, I said
‘oh sorry’, he replied and let me down. Woup..i found myself underwater. I surfaced, put my legs around harrys waist and my arms around his neg.
‘wow that’s deep’, I gasped. ‘we should swim back I’m too heavy for you
‘no its fine. I like it’, he smiled.
‘hha actually I like it too.. I like you.’ I said.
Did I really say that. Nonononono Hannah. Wwwwwwhua noooo.
He looked away for a second without saying anything. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.’, I said. I released him and started to swim as fast as I could. Tears were forming in my eyes. I ruined everything. Why did I say that? It was just too early to say something like that. But on the other hand…he wanted to kiss me so he had to like me didn’t he? It all didn’t make sence.
‘wait hannah. Where you going’, I heard him shouting.
I stopped swimming. I could reach the ground now so I stood there in the middle of the sea. He put his hand on my shoulder and I turned around.
‘I’m sorry han. I didn’t want to hurt you. It was just.. I was happy that you liked me and. I don’t know. Fact is that I like you too. I really like you and I loved spending this wonderful day with a wonderful girl like you.’
‘really?’, I smiled
‘really!’, he said and smiled too.
He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the water. Harry opened his bag and pulled out a blanket. We laid down on the blanket in the sand next to eachother and looked up to the sky. He took my hand and turned his head to me. I faced him.
‘thank you for the wonderful day Hannah. It was amazing. Really.. you’re a special girl’
I just smiled. We lay there for 1 hour or something. I started to get cold, the sand cooled down and I began to shiver. Harry noticed that and sat down. I did so too and he wrapped the blanket around our shoulders. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. It was magic. The sun was disappearing in the ocean and all you could hear were some birds and the waves. I put my head up and faced him. He looked at me and I got lost in his beautiful green eyes. ‘sorry for earlier’I started. ‘it’s not that I didn’t want to kiss you. I’d love too. But I thought it wasn’t the right moment’
‘you were right. It wasn’t magic.’ , he said
‘but now…this moment is magic. It’s perfect.’ I said.
He came closer. Our noses touched. And then finally..our lips did. His lips were the softest lips I’d ever kissed. Soft and warm and perfect. This moment was perfect. He was perfect. My life was perfect.
Peet, Hol and I were sitting in the hotel room on the couch. Pet had just told us about her day with Liam and now Holly started to tell her story.:

‘I had a perfect day with Louis’, she started ‘ I mean it was kinda..awkward at first cause I adore him since 2 months and knew a lot about him and he didn’t know anything about me. At first we went shopping but everywhere we went there were screaming girls who wanted autographs and paparazzi who wanted to take photos of us. So we decided to do something else..a little bit more .. private :D Louis was hungry so we bought a few things in the supermarket and took the taxi back to the hotel. We went up here and started to cook. It was …really romantic. I didn’t think that cooking could be so romantic’, she laughed ‘after the noodles were ready we sat down on the couch and ate. Louis was joking all the time and we laughed so much. The awkward feeling changed into a comfortable feeling and it really felt perfect to be with him. Suddenly he stood up, put his iphone into the docking station and asked me for a dance. I said I’d be ready in a minute, heeded into your room and put on one of hannahs dresses and her black high heels. I put up my hair with some slides. It just took me 5 minutes to get ready. When I opened the door and Louis saw me he smiled. He complimented me and asked for a dance again. He turned the music on super loud and we started to dance waltz. It was freaking romantic. I hadn’t expected that Louis could be that romantic. We danced for what felt like hours and it was such a good feeling. After like 10 songs we sat down on the couch again and he put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. this was defiantly the best day of my life so far and he is defiantly the cutest sweetest and fittest boy I know. ‘ , she smiled
‘wow that sounds amazing hol’, I said ‘but you didn’t kiss him did you?’
‘it was amazing. But noo..we didn’t kiss. I thought… I dunno why but it was our first ‘date’ and it was perfect even without a kiss’, she replied still smiling.
‘yeah same here’, I answered ‘so peets the only one who kissed today, isn’t she?’
‘haha yeah so far I am. But lets wait for Hannah to come back’, peet laughed
‘so true. Ooh by the way… do you think harry told her about the x factor thing ? I mean what shall we say when she asks what our days have been like?’
‘hm we shouldn’t say anything. I think she’ll come home late so we can pretend we’re sleeping or something.’, peet said
‘alright. Noooow megan. I wanna hear your story.’, I smiled
‘oke. Here it goes. At first it was a really strange feeling because I had dreamed of this day like 100 tiimes before. Niall was my fav of the 1D boys and I always wanted to meet him so I wanted it to be perfect. I tried too hard to act normal and forgot to have fun and stuff. He noticed how I felt, hugged me and said that he really liked me and that I should stop being nervous. After that I felt so good and we had a lot of fun. When we were at madame tussaud he put up his hood so nooone indentified him. After that we had dinner in a small pretty restaurant. It was so homely and romantic.
When we walked out of the restaurant in the dark he took my hand and didn’t let go. I asked him what he wanted to do next and he said he had a good Idea but wouldn’t tell me. So we walked in the dark, hand in hand and I had no idea where we were going. After a 15 minute walk we arrived at the London eye. Niall bought two tickets and I don’t know how he managed it but we had a capsule to ourselfes.
At the highest point the view was breathtaking. You could see all the small houses, everywhere were light. It was just amazing. I stood one of the windows and watched outside. Suddenly I felt Niall hug me. He stood behind me, put his arms around my neck and his chin on my head.
‘its romantic isn’t it’, he whispered.
‘it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen’, I answered. We stood there and just standing there with him felt so good. It was the best day ever.’
‘that’s sounds so romantic Megan. I’m glad you both had such a good day too. But now I’m freaking tired. Good night babes.’
‘good night peet. Good night megan.’
‘good night new best friends’, I smiled and laid down on the couch.
I had found 3 new friends..hol peet and han were so sweet and I really liked them. I loved spending time with them. and I had found a perfect boy who I liked so much and I hoped that I would see him again soon.
When I entered the hotel room I saw the girls lying on the couches asleep. Harry and I had sat there for 2 more hours just watching the waves, the birds & kissing. He was so perfect. I liked him so much even though I’d just known him for 2 days now. I tried to be quiet but Peet woke up and smiled at me. ‘how was your day, bestieee?’ she asked with a huuuuuuuuge grin.
‘it was perfect. What about yours?’
‘perfect too’
Peet stood up and we went into our bedroom. We laid down, talked for a small time and fell asleep. I was so exhausted. It had been a long but wonderful day and I dreamed about this wonderful boy who I had kissed today.
Sorry its kinda short but school's keeping me busy at the moment. -.-'
Thanks for reading :)) .Hope you liked it. and again..english is not my first language so sorry for the grammar mistakes and stuff :D
Lots of love Hannah ♥
RT please and tell me what u think <3 @haannahstyles or @onedirectionsup ♥
Liam's Gf : (Peet)
Zayn's GF: (Marie)
Louis's GF: (Holly)
Niall's GF: (Megan)
Liams bros gf:
harrys sis:
Zayns bff:
Louis sis:
nialls bff:
seans gf:
louis bff: @lauravallely_1D