We arrived at the Airport 30 minutes later. Pet’s parents couldn’t come with us to say goodbye because they Flew (?) to turkey 2 days ago. Half of pets family lived in Turkey so they spend 6 weeks in summer there. But this year she would only spend 4 weeks there because of London :D . Pet and I (?) were like sisters. Sometimes she said ‘mum’ to my mum because we spend that much time together.
‘Okay sweeties. We have to say goodbye now. ‘, mum started. ‘Not too much alcohol and strange boys, ladies.’, she laughed.
‘Of course not mum’, I laughed too.
I gave her and dad a huge hug and said goodbye again. I knew I would really miss them but I was soo excited for London. Peet and I entered the airport. There were so many people. We had no idea where we had to go or what we had to do.
‘Soo. What’s the first thing we have to do ‘, peet asked.
‘Eeh I think we have to check in our bags.
‘Aww you’re right. Oke let’s have a look where we have to go.’
After we checked in we had 30 minutes left before boarding started. We went to starbucks and offered a frapuccino java chip chocolate cream :D
We walked through the shops and bought a few magazines and candy.
‘I think we should go now, boarding starts in a few ‘, pet says.
‘Oke. You’re right. Let’s go. We don’t want to miss our plane right :D ‘
We went through security and headed to the gate. While I was walking I turned around to ask peet something. Suddenly someone crashed into me and I found myself lying on the ground. The right part of my face burned like fire. I put my hand on it and it felt wet. I looked at my fingers and there was blood on them. i heard pet talking to someone. I stood up and looked at her.
‘What the fuck’, I said ‘Where’s this person’?
‘He had to hurry, she answered, ‘he gave me his number incase you had to go to hospital or something
‘oh wow but that doesn’t help me now’, I said sarcastically.
‘I know right Peet replied pitiful. ‘but we really need to hurry babe. I’m sure the stewardesses have patches and stuff.’
We made our way to the gade and waited in the boarding line for 5 more minutes. After we found our seats a young stewardess came over to us
‘Oh sweetheart, what the hell happened to you?’, she looked shocked.
I guess my face looked horrible.
‘Nothing big ‘, I replied ‘someone crashed into me.’
‘It looks really bad. We need to disinfect it. Ill go look for patches and stuff. Just stay here.’
‘stay here?!’, I said to Peet after the stewardes was gone and laughed. ‘I mean of course we do stay here. We’re on a plane :D’ ..she looked at me and laughed.
‘Haha we’re so lucky Han. No one in front of us, no one behind us. Best flight ever.’
I turned around. She was right. There was nobody. I remembered the two old women that sat behind Marie and me on our flight to Atlanta last summer. They were so annoying.
‘Haha you’re right. Soo babe. Let’s have the best holidays ever okay? No arguments?’, I said.
‘of course not babe. We never fight so why should we fight in London? You’re my siiiss.’
‘okay let’s just enjoy this 11 days.’
I put my headphones on and leaned against the plane window. I closed my eyes because I was freaking tired.
The next thing I know is that someone was shaking my seat. I turned around ‘What the hell are youuuuuuuuuu…’ I couldn’t finish. I looked into wonderful green eyes.
‘I’m sorry.’, the boy smiled. ‘I didn’t know you were sleeping. Just wanted to ask you for a bubblegum. Do you have one?’
His smile was so damn cute. Wait…he asked something…. I had to reply…. Ahhh what was the question…. Gum. ….A bubblegum.
‘eeeeeeh’.. I started. ‘a bubblegum… yes of course wait a second.’ I turned around opened my bag and gave him the whole package. He took one and gave the rest back to me. Our hands touched.
‘thank you eeeh’
'hannah’ I said. I’m hannah’
‘okay then .. thank you Hannah’ , he said. I smiled. I loved the way he said my name.
‘ssoo you’re from england’, I asked a bit shy.
‘yes I am . what about you? I guess you’re not English right’
‘haha no I’m not. I’m german. The accent is annoying isn’t it?’, I asked
‘noo it isn’t. you just have a small accent and I think its cute.’
Oh my gosh. He called me cute. I mean..not me but the way I talked. Wuuhhuu :D
‘I don’t think so but thanks’, I smiled. ‘and what did you do in germany’ I asked
‘eeeh..i spent a few days with the boys there.’ , he replied
‘oh okay’, I replied.
My hair fell into my face and I pushed them back. ‘auutsch’ I screamed.
‘what happened’?, the boy looked worried.
‘I don’t know’, I said. ‘my face hurts.’
Pet opened her eyes. She has had slept too.
‘what’s up han’ , she asked.
And suddenly I remembered why my face was burning. I totally forgot about the accident.
‘oh nothing. I said. ‘ I just forgot about my face and touched my wound .’
‘okay babe. By the way…we forgot to disinfect it. We should do it now.’
‘no it’s okay. I’ll do it when we arrive at the hotel. Aaand peet.. I don’t know why but now there are people behind and in front of us’, I whispered.
‘oh. Haha maybe they sat down when we were sleeping’, she said.
‘I’m happy they did’, I smiled.
‘eeeh why’, she laughed.
‘ don’t turn around, I started...‘ there’s a goorrrgeous boy behind me. He asked for a bubblegum and we small talked a bit.’
‘haha’, she said. ‘ perfect holiday start. keep on talking. Maybe he’ll stay in London too. Then he could show us around. Haha’
‘oke I will. And you know what babe. He has 4 pretty friends with him.’
‘what the hell. Really ? haha peeeeeeerfect start girl.’
‘I know right. You should start talking to some of them too. 2 are sitting in front of us. 3 behind us. But the curly is mine :PP’
‘okay let me sleep 10 more minutes.’
Someone was shaking my seat again.
‘ are you okay’ the lovely voice asked
I turned around again.
‘ yes everythings fine. I just hurt my face at the airport and touched the wound again.’,
I replied. I opened my bag again and looked for my little mirror. Oh my gosh. I looked horrible. There were 3 long cuts which started next to my right eye and ended next to my nose.
‘wait a sec’, ‘I’ll go and ask for some patches’.
‘oke I’ll still sit here when you’re back anyway ’, he laughed.
This is the english version. if anyone wants to read the german version just let me know. i'll translate it and put it up soon .Hope you liked it :)) Sorry for the grammar mistaked but i'm german so english is not my first language ;))
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@hannahstyles & @justindirection (new name!!!) |
Liam's Gf : @justindirection (Peet)
Zayn's GF: @marieemalik (Marie)
Louis's GF: @hollymcgowan (Holly)
Niall's GF: @xmegeanton (Megan)
Liams bros gf: @luna_payne
harrys sis: @louisags_1Dx
Zayns bff: @dua_zaynmalik
Louis sis: @summerc1995
nialls bff: @lyannejones
seans gf: @hannah_luv1D
Louis bff: @lauravallely_1D
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