Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wheels Coming Off Global Warming Wagon

Al Gore's Global Warming Band Wagon

Roanoke Times, 12-1-09, Pg 3: No Hurricane hits US
Fine print Pg 3 weather article, no hurricanes hit US mainland in 2009.
No mention of Global Warming in this article!
Reflect on the Pg 1 Global Warming Headlines every time in the past when hurricanes and severe storms hit the US mainland! Just as Al Gore said in his movie and presentation! Just as we saw in the movies “the day after tomorrow” and “the day the earth stood still”.
Atmospheric CO2 is at a high level from both natural and man-made activity. However, the infamous Gore-Hockey-Stick was false and so is the hype about severe weather.
Surprise; Apparently our 250 years of Natural Global Warming has natural variations.
Natural variations are hard to predict because they’re random and don’t fit well into scripted and canned computer programs. Real programmers use Monte Carlo simulation techniques for highly variable functions. Not good for the Consensus-Alarmists because they need canned man-made global warming data without natural variations. That's why they can't explain the 35 years of significant cooling from 1940 through 1975 nor can they explain why no global warming for last 10 years nor can they explain why the rate of warming for the first 40 years of 20th century was same as the last 40 years nor can they explain why there's no "hot spot" over the tropic regions (the key signature of CO2 caused global warming)!
Examples of recent wheels coming off the global warming wagon:
Climate Change Scientists Admit Dumping Data
All the source original data used by Global Warming Alarmist to cook-up data allegedly showing man-made CO2 warming has been deleted from their data bases making it impossible for scientific peer-review or audit of the conclusions.
Exposed: Emails from the inner circle of Consensus-Alarmists showing deceit and malfeasance in covering up data not supporting man-made global warming and a pattern of attack upon Skeptics.
What a hoot! Al Gore getting his comeuppance by the internet he says he invented!
Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, said on Monday the leaked correspondence suggested researchers "cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not,"
UK Times Comment: Obama at Copenhagen - nothing more than a photo opportunity
The American people have rightly rejected Obama’s Cap&Tax so apparently he’s going to Copenhagen to announce what he and Michelle are doing to turn down the heat and turn off the lights in the White House.
Instead of going to Copenhagen to participate in the Global Warming Alarmist Convention, Obama should be calling a summit to bring ALL the scientists together to review the real and valid data that clearly belies the Gore-Hypothesis that humans have caused our 250 years of natural global warming that began in 1750, at the end of the little ice age.
One degree warming in the last 100 years and no warming in the past 10 years does not represent a global warming crisis that is clearly not man-made.
Our energy dependence on our enemies is the crisis and our government has not implemented plans for any change to that dependence.
A summary of valid global warming facts and references may be found at:
Prior Items
Al Gore’s Global Warming Wagon

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