Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Youthful Offender Grows up and Kills

Roanoke Times, 12-1-09, pg 1 & 3: Assassination of Four Police Officers

* Black youth growing up in Arkansas goes on crime spree. Gets a 95-year jail sentence.
* Republican Christian Minister Governor Huckabee commutes his life sentence.
(Totally compatible with views and published positions of editors of Roanoke Times)
* Youth grows up. Moves to Wash. State goes on crime spree again, including assault on a police officer.
* Wash. State courts turn him loose out onto the streets.
* Assassination of four police offices follows.
* Police shoot and kill rabid-person who should have still been in Arkansas jail.
* Serious crimes done by youths deserve serious jail time (including life).
* Politicians should stay out of judicial actions (remember Willie Horton).
* Courts should remand violent felons especially those with violent records.
* Interestingly, this does not qualify as a hate-crime!
* How soon before Obama and his AG Holder launch a civil rights investigation into the Seattle police department’s shooting of this killer? After all, this is way beyond Obama’s “police acted stupidly” position at Yale. Interestingly this does qualify as a hate-crime!
* Condolences to the families of the four fine young police officers who needlessly lost their lives while serving their communities and country.
* Good luck to the police officers who brought down this rabid-assassin. They’re going to need it, and lots of defense lawyer funds too.
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