Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Obama, Richardson & More North Korean Bribes

Roanoke Times, 12-21-10, Pg 3: North Korea backed off threats to launch all out war on the South after Bill Richardson “counseled” with them.
Obama sent Bill Richardson (now Gov of New Mexico and now apparently yet another Czar) to North Korea to bribe them again into playing nice. At this point we don’t know what the bribe involves or costs. This, after the unprovoked sinking of a South Korean ship and launching an artillery attack on a South Korean civilian occupied island and these acts of aggression being embedded into a steady diatribe of threats of all out war.
Obama’s mentor, Bill Clinton had Bill Richardson (then his Energy Secretary) negotiate One-on-One with North Korea to stop their nuke development. Clinton/Richardson gave them money, fuel, food and a nuclear power plant for a "promise" to stop nuke development.
Talk about failed policy, failed diplomacy and lame-brained appeasement!
Obama has failed for two years to have any impact on North Korea’s hostile acts, nuclear weapons development, proliferation of nuclear weapons technology or ongoing threats against our friends and allies.
And now more failed policy, failed diplomacy and lame-brained appeasement!
Anyone see a pattern here?
Just more hope, change and hypocrisy we can depend on!
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