Monday, August 29, 2011

Al Gore Calls Man-made Global Warming Skeptics Racist

The Alarmist Army of taxpayer supported pseudo-experts and charlatans have reached a new level of panic and they are now left with vile name-calling as their consensus action plan. How pathetic is that!
Gore has reduced himself to an Al Twana Sharpton level of discourse and behavior instead of coming out from under the veil of secrecy and openly publishing the taxpayer funded data they claim overwhelmingly “proves” that mankind is causing catastrophic changes in the earth’s atmospheres and only draconian government measures can save the planet.
The Skeptic Community has successfully educated people around the world to the basic fact that the Alarmist claims are not scientific proof of their hypothesis and that until the data and methodology are made public and are publicly scrutinized in an open forum, all their hype and claims should not be accepted as facts but instead treated as blatant propaganda by a community of people that are placing self-interest and political ideology above the public-interest.
A classic example of the fight to hide the Alarmist Data is being waged at the University of Virginia where tax-paid bureaucrats are defying subpoenas and FOI requests to hide data that should have been placed in public repositories as part of the normal scientific process and in response to the “climategate” scandal. Hopefully the veil of secrecy at UVA will be ripped-off and the public can then assess the data for themselves.
There is a Man-made Global Warming Consensus:
It’s to hide the tax-paid data at all cost while making outrageous claims of world-wide destruction and smearing and disparaging those who do not sign-up to their bogus pseudo-scientific fraternity.
How I became a Skeptic and why I still am

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