Saturday, August 13, 2011

Connecting the Corn Dots: Famine, Food Prices, Exports, Ethanol

Roanoke Times: 8-12-11, Pg 1: Famine, which child dies
Pg 7: Weather damages corn crop
USA Today: 8-12-11, Pg M1: Trade deficit +$2.3Billion, exports fall as corn prices double over last year.
As we learned from the Indians, corn is important and has been important since we immigrants landed here in 1620.  Until recently its primary use was feeding animals (including people) and due to our amazing agricultural processes and productive land we produced excesses that supported exporting large amounts of corn to other countries.
But now we have a new contrived and artificial use for corn; ETHANOL that we mix with gasoline to burn in cars. To make this work we have large taxpayer funded subsidies to pay Ethanol producers to manufacture this massive waste of a major food product causing competition between this ludicrous use and our food chain.
Also, the total ethanol process requires a net increase in required energy and results in a net increase in CO2 byproducts over refined oil.
The adverse consequences of this totally misguided program are:
• Higher prices at the grocery store for all meat and most cereal products.
• Less corn available for export to other countries thereby impacting our already dismal balance of trade.
• Inability to respond to famine situations in places like Kenya.
• Increased energy consumption and byproducts.
• Increased cost of living; less consumer money = less jobs
The Obama Administration now is blindly moving to increase the Ethanol in gasoline from 10% to 15% with no consideration to any of the adverse consequences.
Has there ever been a dumber and more counterproductive government program than this?

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