Sunday, September 18, 2011

One Walking Out is Very Bad; Fourteen is OK

Roanoke Times, 9-16-11, Pg 1;13: Roanoke Supervisor Elswick embarrassed himself by walking out after being on the losing end of a fight (over wind mill rules for Bent Mountain and Roanoke County).
The Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times jumped on poor old Elswick for walking out of a meeting – but – they were totally OK and supportive of the 14 Democrat Wisconsin Senators who not only walked out of their legislature, but, hightailed it out of the state and lived in exile for weeks while critical legislation was on the table.
The disparity in how these Girls handle news events always amazes me.
Also, the biggest scandal, of the Wisconsin movement to rein in the out of control public unions, has never been covered. As just one example of the systemic problem:
“The Hartland-Lakeside School District, about 30 miles west of Milwaukee in tiny Hartland, Wis., had a problem in its collective bargaining contract with the local teachers union. The contract required the school district to purchase health insurance from a company called WEA Trust. The creation of Wisconsin's largest teachers union -- "WEA" stands for Wisconsin Education Association -- WEA Trust made money when union officials used collective bargaining agreements to steer profitable business its way. The problem for Hartland-Lakeside was that WEA Trust was charging significantly higher rates than the school district could find on the open market.”
In other words, there was a union conspiracy of malfeasance that was scamming the taxpayers of the school districts out of health insurance funds.
The Roanoke Times Girls were not alone in their support for this union behavior, they were joined by Obama and his union army thugs who held the government of Wisconsin hostage for weeks.
Then for vindictive retribution Obama and his union army launched a $30 Million recall effort to take control of the legislature. This overwhelming tsunami of out-of-state money succeeded in “getting” two legislators; not enough to gain control (That’s $15 Million each! What a disgusting deal!).
As a follow-up to this gross Obama-Union behavior we were then treated to yet another example of vile union rhetoric:
President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Everybody here’s got a vote. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and get America back to an America where we belong.” Teamsters President James Hoffa warming up the crowd with an anti-Tea Party tirade at a Detroit Labor Day rally for President Obama.
Is this the hope and change the American people voted for?
Is this the behavior that the Girls at the Roanoke Times approve and endorse?
How disappointing!
Nov 2012 will be an opportunity to achieve good and positive and constructive change!

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