Friday, September 23, 2011

Taxes, Stimulus-2, ObamaCare And Other National Afflictions

Roanoke Times,9-22-11, Pg 16: BIG Editorial: Obama asks rich and poor to sacrifice.
(No numbers to be found – just lots of “the rich are bad because they aren’t giving enough to the government”).
If instead of consuming his first year and a half of our governments resources giving birth to the ObamaCare fiasco; Obama and the Democrats should have focused on enabling our businesses to prosper, grow and become the most successful enterprises on earth! Obama and the Democrats could have focused on reducing government constraints to real-needs not progressive-wants. Reduced taxes on businesses, business investors, wealth accumulation and development of business friendly infrastructure. Also, bringing significant numbers of business-centric people into the government instead of legions of socialists and academics would have been amazingly productive for our country and our people.
IF Obama and the Democrats had done what the American People sent them to Washington to do; then the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times would not have to print articles promoting Carl Marx
nor this “rich-man, poor-man” divisive misinformational-infomercial.
The top 1% of US taxpayers pay 40% of the personal income tax paid!
50% of tax-filers pay ZERO – and many get checks as government support!
The Obama-Buffet ploy doesn’t acknowledge that most of Buffet’s “income” is from investments, taxed as capital gains and dividends, and is not W2 income; it also doesn’t include the IRS Data that Shows Most Millionaires Pay Taxes at Higher Rate Than Middle Class. Data compiled by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center show households pulling in more than $1 million pay about 29.1 percent of their income in federal taxes. By contrast, households making between $50,000 and $75,000 pay about 15 percent.
Most also get hammered by their state and local tax-collectors.
Obama’s latest Tax Increase and Stimulus-2 Plan have crashed not only with Republicans but with many Blue-Dog-Democrats and economists and the stock marked just dropped another 400 points (765 points for the week)! Even Obama loyalist media minions are talking about drafting Hillary at the Convention – talk about your HOPE & CHANGE!
And throughout all this noise and smoke Obama and his loyal media continue to hide the real looming issue: the unfunded government liabilities of $62 TRILLION or one-half-million dollars per household:
By misdirecting and misleading the American People about the financial crisis we are facing and in promoting class-warfare; Obama, the liberal-progressive-Democrats and their liberal-media associates represent the most dangerous economic-trifecta we have faced in my life-time. Their actions are way beyond irresponsible and reckless!
Hope for Real Positive Change in 2012!

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