Monday, October 24, 2011

Obama’s Foreign Affairs Conundrum

Roanoke Times, 10-24-11:
Pg 1: Land wars may become thing of past.
Pg 1: Obama says the tides of war are receding
Pg 3: Karzai would support Pakistan in a war against US
Pg 4: War attention turns to drones, special operations and expansion into Yemen and Somalia
Pg 4: US out of Iraq by Christmas – Hillary tells Iran not to takeover
Pg 5: New Chief said Libya will be under Islamist Sharia Law
Pg 5: Gadhafi summarily-executed after capture.
How can so much Negative foreign policy news be covered in such glowing positive narrative all in Monday’s little paper?
Somebody tell Obama, of course the tides of war are receding, the Muslim Brotherhood have won and taken over most of the pro-western governments in the middle-east and are now busy establishing anti-western alliances and internal Islamist Sharia Law brought to you by those nice Ayatollahs and Mullahs. What a joy for all concerned. What could possibly go wrong with that scenario?
The Muslim Brotherhood focus is now the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa where tribal warfare and genocide has been the primary method of political and population control for generations. Intervening there looks promising for a sequel book to “Blackhawk Down” and the opportunity for more Liberal and Anti-American hysteria about white on black conflicts and nasty colonialism.
And why is the press obsessing about the holes in Gadhafi’s head? Can’t be that much different than the holes in Osama Bin Laden’s head and probably look similar to the summary-executed Viet Cong guy and his Pulitzer Prize picture.
Land wars a thing of the past. How comforting! Reminds one of WW1 that was declared to be the “War to end all Wars”. That was in 1918 well before WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm (the largest armored battle in history), Afghanistan, Iraq, and a string of others not to mention the hot-cold war and the strategy of MAD (mutual assured destruction). Apparently we can now feel confident that war as we have known it for thousands of years has ended!
History Lesson:
Those who beat their swords into plows will plow for those who didn’t!

It’s disturbing that we still don’t have an operational and effective anti-missile defense system for our homeland and we have adversaries with things that fly very long distances with really bad things in their nose-cones. We have additional adversaries working diligently to have those nasty things also. Sleep tight, Obama’s on-watch.
Chaos Reigns in Egypt – Darn Those Christians
The New-Egypt Joins Hamas And Fatah

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