Saturday, October 29, 2011

Roanoke Times Not Getting Into Green Heaven

Roanoke Times, 10-29-11, Pg 13: Editorial: Going on a carbon-dioxide diet
Save a Ton (of CO2) campaign effort by Roanoke and Roanoke County with objective of reducing the valley’s CO2 footprint by 100,000 tons per year.
A very worthwhile program by local government, business and individuals to reduce consumption of fossil fuels.
Why are the editors and management of the Roanoke Times absent from addressing their own very large CO2 Footprint? Apparently they think that sitting in the bleachers of life booing perceived bad actors and cheering on their version of good guys is all they need to do to get into “Green Heaven”. The reality is that they’re all destined to go to “Coal Dust Purgatory” instead.
The RT’s CO2 Footprint starts in the pine forests and power generation systems and extends all the way to and through the readers disposition of the paper. Their CO2 Footprint is very large and warrants analysis, calculation, generation of improvement plans and processes and then tracking and reporting. Included should be the negative impacts of reducing our forests that breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2 thereby making their footprint even more disturbing.
This blog started challenging the RT in June 2005:
“Isn't it long past due for the Roanoke Times, a self-proclaimed ecology leader, to publish their environmental footprint to their readers and the community? As a major consumer of power and chemicals and natural resources their environmental footprint has a major impact on the Roanoke Valley and its residents. To help get them started they might go to the eco-business web site below and get started:”
Attached are some of the published direct challenges posed to the Roanoke Times over the past 6 years. Apparently these exploitative colonialist capitalist are only interesting in maximizing their profits at the expense of the well being and survival of the world we all live in. How’s that for your Goreite hyperbole coming back at you?
Why aren’t the OCCUPY folks camped out at the Roanoke Times?

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