Sunday, May 20, 2012

CHEAT WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne

CHEAT WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne CHEAT WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne CHEAT WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne Cheat DOTA Terbaru BattleNet 2012

[eng] While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, the message "Cheat enabled" will appear.

[ina] Saat permainan, tekan [Enter] untuk menampilkan kotak pesan, ketik salah satu kode berikut, lalu tekan [Enter] lagi untuk mengaktifkan fungsi cheat. Jika Anda memasukkan kode dengan benar, pesan " Cheat enabled " akan muncul. 
whosyourdaddy : Invincibility and one-hit kills
thereisnospoon : Infinite mana
strengthandhonor : Continue playing after losing in campaign mode
iseedeadpeople : Full map
allyourbasearebelongtous : Instant victory
somebodysetusupthebomb : Instant defeat
ihavethepower Your and allies heroes are level 10
thedudeabides : Remove spell cool down
itvexesme : Disable victory conditions
keysersoze [number]: Gold 500 is default (ex.keysersoze 10000your gold will grow 10000
leafittome [number] : Lumber 500 is default
greedisgood [number] : Gold and lumber 500 is default
warpten : Fast construction
iocainepowder : Fast death
pointbreak : Food
whoisjohngalt : Fast research
whosyourdaddy : God Mode
sharpandshiny : Upgrades
synergy : Tech tree unlocked
riseandshine : Set time to morning
lightsout : Set time to evening
daylightsavings [hour] : Set time of day
daylightsavings : Toggle daylight progression
abrakadabra : Trees disappear
motherland [race] [level] : Level select [Note]

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