and must Know Facts About Chinese Supplements
Chinese supplements continue to inspire a great deal of curiosity among researchers and the public alike. The fascination is based on the fact much of Chinese culture was initially steeped in mystery. Now, much more information is available on the wonders of this centuries old form of medicine.
Many people have questions about Chinese supplements and herbs in general. While such products are often heavily marketed, there is still much misinformation about the herbs themselves. Not much is known about their preparation, effectiveness and safety.
Increased interest in natural products as a route to a healthier lifestyle has led more companies to become involved in providing herbs. This means that consumers have to be careful in selecting their provider of such supplements.
Research on Chinese Supplements
Not just individual consumers are interested in the healing powers of natural supplements. University researchers and drug companies are interested in why they have survived unchanged for hundreds of years. The chief interest is the ability of these supplements to promote good health and a sense of well-being.
Many researchers hope to exploit these natural sources for the development of new drugs. Many agree that the clinical applications of Chinese supplements have yet to be fully understood.
A number of Chinese supplements show promise in treating serious illnesses. In fact, some of these herbs have been used successfully to treat a wide variety of conditions. Some of these conditions range from the common cold to potentially life threatening illnesses.
Their easy accessibility means that they offer a cheaper option to people who want to take control of their health. Conditions which have been effectively treated by these herbs include:
- Skin conditions such as acne and chronic itchiness
- Respiratory illnesses like asthma
- Allergies
- Chronic pain
- Stomach problems
- Infertility

- Depression and other mental health issues
- Insomnia
These represent a small number of the conditions being treated by the use of Chinese supplements. They have also been shown to improve cognitive function. Some users report that these herbs also ease the pain associated with inflammation of the muscles and joints.
The Philosophy of Herbs in China
The use of herbs in that country has to do with more than curing illness. One of its most basic functions is to restore and maintain the balance of both mind and body. This philosophy has existed since the origin of the study of herbs.
Individuals more familiar with the straightforward approach of Western medicine may find the Oriental philosophy somewhat complex. Practitioners approach every illness from a standpoint of restoring the body’s balance. As such every condition is linked to a particular organ and using the right herb can restore its health.
Chinese supplements are generally split into three categories, the four natures, the five tastes and the meridians. The natures have to do with achieving balance.
The tastes are based on the idea that a certain flavor is linked to particular conditions. The meridians deal with specific organs and therefore any illnesses associated with them.
The Safety of Chinese Supplements
As with synthetic drugs, safety is always a concern. One important consideration is the proper dosages. This underscores the importance of having the correct information before using these or any supplements.
Chinese herbs have far fewer side effects than medications widely used today. They are for the most part well tolerated and often play a big role in restoring organ function.
The Issue of Efficacy
It is difficult to discount medicinal practices that date back hundreds of years. Currently, these herbs are being grown in other regions such as North America. Not surprisingly this has sparked debate as to the effectiveness of Chinese supplements produced outside of the country.
For individuals contemplating the use of Chinese supplements it makes sense to gather information before using. They should be purchased only from reputable companies. The dosage instructions must be followed exactly for the best results.
As they have in the past, Chinese supplements continue to have a positive effect on health. The best thing among them is that there is something for everyone regardless of gender and age
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