Wednesday, February 2, 2011

HUNAGI applied for Partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Hungary

The application was confirmed by the head of the relevant office of MoFA. In the descriptive chapter of the application HUNAGI was described as follows (courtesy translation with some updates):
"The non-for profit Hungarian Association for Geo-information (HUNAGI) was established in 1994 by and for the community interested in the collection, provision and use of spatial data, geographical information. Its promary goal is to promote and facilitate the availability, access and usability of spatial data in line with the INSPIRE directive.
HUNAGI focuses on the awareness raising, dissemination of information including INSPIRE, PSI and standards-related best practices, with special emphasis on innovative and cost-effective solutions in e-government.
Today nearly 100 institutions and organisations are member of HUNAGI covering the sectors academia, government, NGOs and industry. It has a mentored student division and during the past several years MoUs have been signed with partner associations of the domains Intelligent Transportation Systems, Space Industry, e-Content Industry, Agro-informatics, as well as Logistics, Inventory and Purchase.
Strength of HUNAGI is its reputation and commitments in bridging international links and cooperation with the aims to provide and encourage contributions on Hungarian achievements (in publication such a GIM, GeoConnexion, IJSDIR and IJDE) on one hand and disseminate knowledges associated with spatial data and related technologies on domestic fora.
Especially close links have been established with the European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information (EUROGI, since 1994, the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure initiative and Association(GSDI, since 1996, the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE, since 2003 and the SDI initiative of the UN Geographic Information Working Group (UNGIWG, since 2006.
HUNAGI is active in EU projects (eSDI-NETplus, Humboldt, LAPSI only few to mention) and contributed to the geoscience-oriented International Year of the Planet Earth. HUNAGI contribution to GSDI activities includes the liaisonship with the Earth Observation community in information systems and services (CEOS WGISS, since 2006, correspondent and member of GSDI delegation at the inter-governmental GEO plenaries (GEO, since 2007, and co-chairmanship in the Legal & SocioEcon Committee of GSDI since 2009.
For the Hungarian spatial data interest community HUNAGI operates news- and thematic blogs (with topics events, call for opportunities, links, new products and services, publications), which are directly linked from the just renewed HUNAGI website ( To disseminate selected news Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are also used.

Forthcoming planned activities include to host an EU Plan4all project dissemination workshop on HUNAGI Conference level on 3rd March 2011, to prepare and submit a bid to host the ISDE-8 Symposium in Hungary for 2013, to support the Fleming Europe Conference on Geospatial Strategies in Budapest in June and to host the CEOS WGIS-32 Meeting in Budapest in next autumn.

Officers of HUNAGI :
Barkóczi, Zsolt President (elected) VATI Non-profit Ltd
Dr. Remetey-Fülöpp, Gábor Secretary-general (elected)
Rab, András Attila Secretary (appointed) Theodolight Ltd.
Elected Members of the Presidential Board:
Buga, László Vice-director, ig.h. Non-profit Mapping Ltd of the Ministry of Home Defense
Prof. Dr. Csemez, Attila  Dean, Budapest Corvinus University, Faculty of Horticultural Science
Keringer Zsolt, Chief Information Officer, Local Government of  Szombathely
Prof. Dr. Mezősi, Gábor Head, Natural Geography Department, Szeged University
Dr. Mihály, Szabolcs President, Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing
By permanent invitation:
Havass, Miklós Honorary President and  Sikolya, Zsolt President of the Control Board (both elected)
Bookkeeping and treasurer: Kurátor Ltd (subcontracted since (1999)"

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