Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HUNAGI's Chinese links - a short overview

HUNAGI’s links with P.R. China in the field of  EO/SDI and Digital Earth

FÖMI is member of HUNAGI, the nonprofit interdisciplinary Hungarian Association for Geo-information (http://www.hunagi.hu) .

Established in 1994, HUNAGI is an umbrella organization of learned societies, governmental agencies, private companies and academic institutions including universities. Today it has 88 member organisations and institutions, many of them from the Land Administration-related areas.

The Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing is its founder member, while the Hungarian flagship core geospatial data provider FÖMI,  the Institute of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing joined HUNAGI in 1997.

HUNAGI has extensive international affiliations including EUROGI (Leuven, Belgium) since 1994, GSDI (Reston, USA) since 1996 and ISDE (Beijing) since 2003. In GSDI Association representatives of the Chinese State Bureau of Surveying & Mapping and HUNAGI were sitting together at the GSDI-5 Conference in Cartagena.

HUNAGI is a registered Spatial Data Interest Community of the DG JRC of the European Commission for INSPIRE and takes part in PSI/SDI related EU projects since many years.

HUNAGI arranged the Meeting of the Hungarian UNSDI Board with the Chinese SDI delegation hosted by FÖMI in 2007.

Secretary-general of HUNAGI and Dr. Jang Jie of the National Geomatics Centre shared the chair in the ISPRS Commission IV/1 Working Group of SDI after the Istanbul Congress and worked together during the ISPRS Congress in Beijing in 2008.

HUNAGI representative served as deputy head of the GSDI Association at the GEO-VII Plenary and Ministerial Summit held in Beijing in 2010.

HUNAGI participated the Conference on the Progress Report for the Center of Earth Observation and Digital Earth in Spring 2011 hosted by CAS CEODE (where Mr.  Li Pengde, Deputy Director of NBSM delivered a presentation) and took part the WG  Meeting on the Digital Earth Vision 2020 in Beijing.

HUNAGI has a seat in the Executive Committee of ISDE since 2008 and takes part also in the Editorial Board of the Int’l Journal of Digital Earth listed in the extended Scientific Citation Index.

Now HUNAGI will submit a bid to the secretariat of ISDE hosted by CEODE in Beijing offering a proposal to host the ISDE-8 Symposium in Budapest, early November 2013.  Digital Earth -8 topics cover among others EO/SDI/Internet of Things/Cloud computing and promising new technologies developed for the benefit of the communities and citizens.
Director-general of FÖMI was tentatively approached recently to serve as one of the three contact persons of the local organizer. 

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