Participants of the EUROGI Member's Day and Annual General Assembly hosted by the Irish Institute for Europe in Leuven (March, 2011) Illustration: HUNAGI visual resources, 2011.
By the kind invitation of Ms. Viktória Gál (FÖMI), editor of the National Report, the following short HUNAGI report has been submitted for inclusion:
Some selected visual highlights of the past 12 months mentioned in the HUNAGI contribution:
By the kind invitation of Ms. Viktória Gál (FÖMI), editor of the National Report, the following short HUNAGI report has been submitted for inclusion:
"The HungarianAssociation for Geo-information (HUNAGI) is a non-for-profit umbrellaorganisation serving the spatial data interest community in Hungary since 1994.Its major objectives are to encourage and facilitate the availability, accessibilityand usability of geographic information. To achieve these goals, using itsEuropean and global relations emphasis is given to awareness raising,dissemination of knowledge and best practices in association with EU directivesINSPIRE and PSI.
Having 88 memberinstitutions and organisations, HUNAGI’s multidisciplinary community includesgovernmental agencies, NGOs, academic and private sectors. The HungarianMapping and Cadastral Agencies are full members of HUNAGI since the beginning. HUNAGIkeeps extensive horizontal links and interdisciplinary partnerships with MFTTT(Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing), ITS Hungary(navigation), MLBKT (Hungarian Society of Logistics, Purchase and Inventory),MATISZ (Hungarian Society of e-Content Industry), CASCADOSS Hungary Association(opensource and open data), Hungarian Space Research Cluster (HUNSPACE), MAGISZ(Hungarian Federation on Agroinformatics),MUT (Hungarian Urbanistic Knowledge Center) as well as the SZVT (HungarianSociety of Management and Organisation).
In the contextinternational activities of HUNAGI four entities should be mentioned: EUROGI(European Umbrella Organisation of Geographic Information), GSDI (GlobalSpatial Data Infrastructure Association, ISDE (International Society of DigitalEarth) and UNGIWG (United Nations Geographic Information Working Group). It hasalso links with GEO and CEOS WGISS via GSDI as well as UNGGIM via EUROGI.HUNAGI is SDIC (spatial data interest community) partner of the DG JRC SpatialData Infrastructure Unit. HUNAGI is member of the Genova-based GISIG since1996.
Partnership with Governmental Agenciesincludes Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Rural Development,Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Audit Office)
Some of the majoractions since August 2010 are as follow:
- Participation of the SDI Conference in Skopje, Macedonia (with presentation, September 2010)
- Participating the 12th GSDI World Conference in Singapore (with presentation, October 2010)
- Taking part on the GEO Plenary and Ministerial Summit held in Beijing as member of the GSDI delegation (with intervention, November 2010),
- EUROGI Plan4all supported second HUNAGI Conference on Digital Spatial Planning Using Geospatial Data (March, 2011). This officially approved professional event of the Hungarian EU Presidency, attracted more than 200 participants,
- Playing active role in the elaboration of Digital Earth Vision 2020 in a ISDE ad-hoc working group hosted by CEODE in Beijing (March 2011),
- Participated the Member’s Day and Annual General Assembly of EUROGI in Leuven (March 2011)
- Participating the EU project Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information and Re-use (LAPSI) First Open Conference held in Milan (May, 2011),
- Participation in EU workshops on Future Emerging Technologies, Conference on the European Common Strategy Framework on Research and Innovation, Conference on Internet of Things (all in May 2011)
- Participating the 2nd Annual Geospatial Summit of Fleming Europe in Budapest (June, 2011),
- Participating the Sub-regional Conference of CASCADOS Association devoted to FOSS and SDIs in the South-East European Countries in Szeged (June, 2011)
- Participation of PCC Conference hosted by the Department of Land Management, Ministry of Rural Development (June, 2011)
- Participation on Rural Development Strategy Parliament, Workshop on Open Government Data in Europe/Hungary, Information Society Parliament (June, 2011)
- Representing GSDI/HUNAGI at the CEOS WG on Information Systems and Services hosted by USGS EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls (June, 2011)
- Participating the INSPIRE 2011 Conference held in Edinburgh (June/July, 2011),
- Participating the 7th ISDE Symposium hosted by WALIS (Western Australia Land Information Service) in Perth (August 2011),
- Hosting the 32nd CEOS WGISS Meeting in Budapest and organising the Session devoted to Hungarian achievements in Earth Observation and GIS (September 2011),
- Assigned member of the GSDI Delegation attending the GEO-VIII Plenary in Istanbul besides directors of FGDC and Eurogeographics (September 2011).
HUNAGI maintains aset of blogs devoted to topics related to SDI strategy themes. The mostfrequently visited sites include:
HUNAGI newsblog inHungarian (with translation facility): 2000 posts published in the past 5 years.)
HUNAGI newsblog in English:
HUNAGI Calendar ofevents:
HUNAGI madecontribution to the National Rural Development Strategy, the National SpaceStrategy as well as the Information Society Parliament.
HUNAGI participatedthe meetings of the National Space Council and delivered a presentation of therole and activities of HUNAGI as SDIC on the meeting of the ScientificCommittee on Geodesy and Geophysics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences."
Some selected visual highlights of the past 12 months mentioned in the HUNAGI contribution:
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