Not found in the Roanoke Times news or commentary pages; for obvious reasons.
26 Feet of snow has fallen at Valdez and there’s record snow and ice allover Alaska and the Bering Sea and it’s only the second week in January.
All’s quiet from the Alarmist Gorites as they try to build a case explaining why this is caused by AGW ManMade Global Warming and the one degree change in global temperature during the past 130 years:
And no significant temperature change since 1998:
Click link for an insight into the Coast Guard Ice Breaker and a fuel supply ship (where's Al Gore?):
It’s interesting that the Alarmists and their major media minions seize every opportunity to highlight selected examples of warming (usually published as news-facts), but somehow miss examples of the wide variations of natural climate and weather!
Apparently they think that if they don’t report it, it didn’t happen; something about a tree falling in the forest.
Latest News Flash from Alaska:
"it's so cold here that I saw a democrat with his hand in his own pocket"
News Flash from Seattle:
Ten inches of snow expected in city without snowplows (where's Al Gore?)
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