Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Global Warming, Political Science, and Apocalypse Not Now

Roanoke Times, 11-29-10, Pg 10: Debating climate change in the Roanoke Times blog.
What a refreshing concept; a debate about climate change. Apparently there now are OK real people who are skeptics. Unfortunately the debate is among ordinary folks and not between the state-of-the-art skeptics vs. alarmists. The alarmists have steadfastly refused open and fair debate in any forum, any time or any place. They wear a mantra of “consensus” as their excuse for politically convenient predetermined conclusions and hide from direct one-on-one professional debate.
Pg 6: Delegates will strive for progress on climate deal to curb climate change.
Perhaps it’s difficult to define a “deal” that will address the natural variations in the earth’s natural processes including: climate change, temperature variations, el ninos and la ninas, hurricanes, rising and falling tides, and rising and setting sunsets. To say nothing about those darn shifting, drifting and heaving tectonic plates. Apparently we'll have a treaty to contain them next year.
Pg 10: Editorial: Climate change debunker debunked.
A focused personal attack upon a global warming skeptic professor with lots of accusations presented as proven facts. On second read: the Professor’s facts aren’t questioned – just his sources and credits. What a change from the editorial approach to the ClimateGate, GlacierGate, OzoneGate, BinLadenGate, AfricaGate, DutchGate, IndiaGate scandals which were immediately shrugged off as much to do about little or nothing and quickly swept under the consensus-rug.
For example: not found in the RT was any mention of distinguished Professor Hal Lewis’ Letter: “My Resignation From The American Physical Society”. Lewis’ resignation was a significant scientific community event acknowledged by both skeptics and alarmists but alas not by the RT Editors who diligently carry the Gore-Candle as their view of news.
Also not found in the RT is an Editorial explaining where the apocalyptic hurricanes are that were forecast for this year by the alarmist Apocalypse-Now Goreites!
The following is offered for their enlightenment:

U.S. Escapes Major Hurricanes in 2010 (none hit US mainland again!)
A busy Atlantic hurricane season ends Tuesday. The U.S. has been spared any major storms for a fifth straight year. Posted: 3:26 PM Nov 29, 2010; Reporter: The Associated Press; Hurricane Wilma in 2005 was the last major hurricane of Category 3 or stronger to hit the U.S. The U.S. has never before gone more than five consecutive years without a major hurricane.
(The alarmists and the RT Editors will inform us that the next one to hit will be caused by carbon-driven climate change and it's your fault!)
For an excellent source of Global Warming and Climate Change Information:
Fourth International Conference on Climate Change
Some Prior Blog Items:

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