Friday, May 27, 2011

Global Cooling Will Stop Tornadoes

Roanoke Times, 5-26-11, Pg 1 & and 7; Global Warming Causing Tornadoes
Global warming “may” be storm culprit says "a scientist"
If Global Warming is causing Tornadoes, then Global Cooling Will Stop Tornadoes, Right? You know, Global Cooling like we had from 1940 to 1975! Apparently you can’t make two wrongs equal a right!
This article, like most of its ilk, expounds on the Gore-AWG opinions of someone labeled a “scientist” without any data or references to data to support any of the claims or hypothesis. This is yet another Roanoke Times propagation of Gore&Associates Alarmist Heifer-Dust. Do they get paid to push this stuff, or is this just a free ad for their friends? There is no valid scientific data anywhere that establishes a cause-and-effect relationship between tornadoes and our less than one degree-C temperature rise in the last 130 years (1880 to 2010). Stop publishing this pseudo-science tripe in the gross effort to mislead and scare the public!
There is something called “Tornado Alley” in the US and it has been in existence for many years, well before any warming issues became the current “boogey-man” to explain any and all of earth’s weather anomalies.
“One of the deadliest tornado in American history was invisible. In 1925, the Tri-State Tornado ravaged a mile-wide path for 220 miles across Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana at 60 to 70 mph—twice the forward speed of the average tornado. It lacked the classic funnel cloud, but the damage was catastrophic: nearly 2,000 people were injured, property losses totaled more than $16 million, and over 700 people died. This event also held the known record for most tornado fatalities in a single city or town: at least 234 in Murphysboro, Illinois.”
There is a cataloguing program that is documenting US tornadoes. They have only gone back to 1950, but have already documented 54,529 tornadoes resulting in 5,064 people killed. Their web site shows the map locations of these storms. Hopefully they will be able to extend their research back to 1900 which would include the above example.
Over 54,500 tornado maps. U.S. tornadoes 1950-2010.*
Click-on link to view maping of all 54,500 tornadoes.
Tornadoes, over time, should not be measured by their impacts to people and facilities. In 1920 there were 106 million people in the US, now there are 308 million.
From a tornado’s view we have become a “target-rich environment”.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just get back to real-science and the scientific-method that served us so well and leave tabloid tripe to the tabloids!
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