Friday, December 9, 2011

Obama Acting More Pathetic And Fiscally Disoriented Every Day

Roanoke Times, 12-9-11, Pg 7: European debt blamed again as market drops.
Roanoke Times, 12-8-11, Pg 7: Social Security New Front in Payroll Tax Fight
Obama wants to cut the current taxes that fund Social Security. Social Security Trust Fund is scheduled to go broke in 2020 with current tax funding. Let’s not cut spending, let’s just throw grandma under the bus!
Obama has killed the Canadian oil pipeline to our refineries on the Gulf Coast until after the 2012 elections thereby forfeiting tens of thousands of jobs and loosing the opportunity to make a significant reduction in US dependency on Muslim-Oil.
Obama and Congress cannot reduce the budget deficit by $1.4 Trillion over ten years; yet Obama has sent Geitner to Europe to advise them to get their finances in order;
The implied French reply:
Obama sent you here to tell us about financial management? 
Is this a joke or what?  Obama and You are:
$1.4 Trillion in yearly deficit
$14 Trillion in total debt to date
$ 62 Trillion in unfunded mandates
And your economy is in a ditch
You guys are a joke: Go home and work on your own mess
And Obama continues to hype increased taxes as the way to put people to work and solve our debt problems; However: our total personal net worth is $55 Trillion while our unfunded liabilities are $ 62 Trillion. Therefore total confiscation of all the personal net worth in the US will not solve our indebtedness problem; So much for taxing our way out of our financial mess.
Hindsight wisdom: should have bought gold at $850 the day Obama got elected!
US Owes $62 TRILLION (half-million $ per household) in unfunded obligations
Our TOTAL Personal Assets = $55 Trillion
We are $7 TRILLION in debt if we liquidated all our peoples assets

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