Hi friends,
I hope this message finds you well.
The daytoday book is finally available online, you can download it for free, or obtain a hard copy here http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/daytoday/7698078
I am also attaching a web version of the book so you can print, copy, resend, upload on any webpage and share.
I presented the book last month at the Frieze art fair in London. It was a one day event within Frieze projects (you can see more about it here: http://centrefortheaestheticrevolution.blogspot.com/2009/10/carolina-caycedos-last-day-to-day-in.html)
For this I printed 100 copies. That day I exchanged around 85 of them! Daytoday books were exchanged for other books, personal belonings or I Owe You's. Some of the IOY's have already started to arrive by post.
The rest were distributed for free at the Creative Time Summit last week in NYC.
I hope you enjoy it and come visit me soon in PR!
DAYTODAY is a public barter network of personalized exchanges created by Carolina Caycedo. It offers alternative ways of meeting business and personal needs- without using money. Through DAYTODAY Carolina is willing to barter, share, give, receive and redistribute knowledge, commodities and services as part of a daily exercise of anarchy, a development of a personal and alternative gift economy and a constant search for freedom.
DAYTODAY has visited cities like Vienna, London, San José, Berlin, New York and Los Angels. Inspired by her recent bartering in Los Angeles in July 2009, and as part of a residency at g727, Carolina has decided to end DAYTODAY. She is shifting her swapping efforts from a person-to-person exchange that was coming from and inserted in an artistic framework, towards a communal exchange that can help build up and tighten community bonds in her own locality in Puerto Rico.
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