It “establishes how” – stated as if it were a scientific fact!
It’s a study – Not a fact! Talk about shoveling white heifer-dust!
Damn those American public skeptical deniers! Of course the climate is changing – the climate has always been changing! The only question is:
Is current global warming and climate change caused by man-kind; and the answer is: it’s never happened before and there’s no conclusive proof that it’s happening now!
The article’s theme: global warming causes frigid storms is clearly not science just as the alarmists are clearly not correct on: ClimateGate, GlacierGate, and OzoneGate.
A simple Google search will show lots of examples of winter storms, two examples of significant size and historical importance:
Winter of 1830-31 has legends that Chicago's records fail to shake and
The Bitter Winter of 1777-1778 that tested the endurance of General Washington's soldiers at Valley Forge
The Great Blizzard of 1888 or Great Blizzard of '88 (March 11 – March 14, 1888) was one of the most severe blizzards in United States' recorded history.
Also the significant 35 years of global cooling from 1940 to 1975 and the associated alarmist cries that another ice age was coming and we were going to starve to death:
There has been no warming during the past 10 years in spite of the increased levels in CO2:
How do these historical winter storms relate to the history of CO2?
Look at the graphic! It’s clear that they don’t!
Click to Enlarge Graphic

It would be helpful if the liberal media who are shoveling the Alarmist-Gore-IPCC-Hypothesis would stop publishing junk-science and stick to the facts and publish all this type data in the historical perspective that we are in a 250 year warming cycle of unknown cause, that started at the end of the little ice age in 1750, and there is significant amounts of natural variability locally and globally.
Stop propagating the patently false alarmist hype that every daily weather event is a direct result of man-kinds activity. Even the IPCC rejects that tripe!
Some Prior Items:
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