Black Cubicle, installation view

Assume Vivid Astro Focus’ Wallpaper
Adriana Lara ‘Installation (Prescription Glasses)’

Terence Koh’s Deer Diary Letter ‘Everybody Iz Such Beautiful’

Gerardo Contreras ‘La Toya Jackson Playboy Piece’

Installation Shot (Ben Jones’ ‘Facemaker’ Video)
Ben Jones’ ‘Facemaker’ Video

Installation Shot (Brian Kokoska’s ‘Pink Guy’)
Brian Kokoska’s ‘Pink Guy’

Mir cutting the opening ribbon

Ben Jones’ ‘Facemaker’ Video

Installation Shot (Brian Kokoska’s ‘Pink Guy’)

Brian Kokoska’s ‘Pink Guy’

Mir cutting the opening ribbon

Mr. Contreras, curator of the Black Cubicle, and Vanesa Fernandez of Celeste House

Mario Garcia Torres and Jan Mot

female curator heaven, friend, Bambi, Mir, Magali

young Mr. Contreras playing the piano with his new Morrisey haircut
at Black Cubicle Toilet Gallery
Curated by Gerardo Contreras
Assume Vivid Astro Focus
Ben Jones
Terence Koh
Brian Kokoska
Adriana Lara
1. The human search for reality has been a journey towards understanding, not just the manifested but also the internal.
2. The Cartesian expression ‘I think therefore I am’ has been posited as ‘I am skinny’ replacing the dualism of the existent and the essence with necessarily the non-dualistic primacy of the existent over the essence, where existence becomes the essence. Undiluted existence, existence in its totality and existence with a freedom ‘to be skinny’.
3. Consciousness is a being whose existence posits its essence, and inversely it is consciousness of a being skinny, whose essence implies its existence; that is, in which appearance lays claim to being skinny.
4. Being is everywhere. We must understand that this being skinny is no other than the transphenomenal being of phenomena and not a noumenal being which is hidden behind them. It requires simply that the being skinny of that which appears does not exist only in so far as it appears.
5. Sartre’s concept of consciousness is the revealed revelation of existents. Existents thus appear ‘before’ consciousness on the foundation of their independent entity of ‘being skinny’.
6. There is a clear deviation from the Kantian because the a priori and the noumenal have been undermined to emphasize the ‘transphenomenal being skinny of phenomena’ where all prior beliefs make way for the phenomena.
7. How are these two transphenomenal forms of being related? As opposed to a conceptualizing consciousness in a relation of knowledge to an object, I introduce a relation of ‘being skinny’: consciousness (in a pre-reflective form) is directly related to the being of the phenomenon.
Curated by Gerardo Contreras
Assume Vivid Astro Focus
Ben Jones
Terence Koh
Brian Kokoska
Adriana Lara
1. The human search for reality has been a journey towards understanding, not just the manifested but also the internal.
2. The Cartesian expression ‘I think therefore I am’ has been posited as ‘I am skinny’ replacing the dualism of the existent and the essence with necessarily the non-dualistic primacy of the existent over the essence, where existence becomes the essence. Undiluted existence, existence in its totality and existence with a freedom ‘to be skinny’.
3. Consciousness is a being whose existence posits its essence, and inversely it is consciousness of a being skinny, whose essence implies its existence; that is, in which appearance lays claim to being skinny.
4. Being is everywhere. We must understand that this being skinny is no other than the transphenomenal being of phenomena and not a noumenal being which is hidden behind them. It requires simply that the being skinny of that which appears does not exist only in so far as it appears.
5. Sartre’s concept of consciousness is the revealed revelation of existents. Existents thus appear ‘before’ consciousness on the foundation of their independent entity of ‘being skinny’.
6. There is a clear deviation from the Kantian because the a priori and the noumenal have been undermined to emphasize the ‘transphenomenal being skinny of phenomena’ where all prior beliefs make way for the phenomena.
7. How are these two transphenomenal forms of being related? As opposed to a conceptualizing consciousness in a relation of knowledge to an object, I introduce a relation of ‘being skinny’: consciousness (in a pre-reflective form) is directly related to the being of the phenomenon.
Black Cubicle Toilet Gallery at Celeste House, Mexico City
in spanish
En enero del 2005 , en el mítico George and Dragon Pub de Londres, el baño de mujeres dio a luz al White Cubicle Gallery http://www.whitecubicle.org. Hasta el dia de hoy bajo la dirección de Pablo León de la Barra y la bendición de sus land lords Liliana Sanguino y Richard Battye, el White Cubicle se ha convertido en un referente de la escena artística londinense. En este espacio de 1.40 x 1.40 se ha presentado un cuidadoso programa de exhibiciones de artistas contemporáneos interesados en explorar mas alla de lo sexual y lo escatológico en el arte. White Cubicle presenta un programa discerniente de manifestaciones locales e internacionales como un antídoto para la a veces extremadamente comercial escena artística en Londres.
En 2011, también bajo la dirección de Pablo León de la Barra y Beatriz López, y con la bendición de Vanesa Fernandez y Aldo Chaparro abre en Celeste House la galería espejo de White Cubicle, Black Cubicle Toilet Gallery, localizado en el baño de hombres y mujeres de Celeste House y donde se presentará un programa que busca refrescar la escena del arte local y cuestionar los patrones establecidos por los cánones internacionales del mercado.. Para la inauguración del espacio Gerardo Contreros fue elegido como curador y organizo la exhibición "Nothingness and Being Skinny", que incluye el trabajo de Assume Vivid Astro Focus, Ben Jones, Terence Koh, Brian Kokoska y Adriana Lara."
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