Sunday, January 1, 2012

Obama & Holder Target Skeptic Bloggers

Climate (Skeptic) crackdown
Special to Financial Post Dec 20, 2011 – 8:18 PM ET | Last Updated: Dec 20, 2011 8:25 PM ET
Apparently the AGW(Man-made Global Warming) Alarmists have become so upset with the ClimateGate Revelations that they have enlisted Obama’s Justice Department to raid bloggers homes in a blatant attempt to intimidate and harass those who question the Goreites and their tax-supported minions.
This gross malfeasance is occurring as the wheels continue to come-off the Gore-AGW wagon and the Alarmists continue to stone-wall every FOIA process to ensure their data and communications and their collusions remain secret.
How can any responsible journalist and political leader have any trust or confidence in the material these people are publishing? What will it take for the major liberal media to publicly recognize how misdirected these Alarmists are while spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer money?

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