Friday, March 16, 2012

AGW Global Warming Meets Reelection Reality

Roanoke Times, 3-6-12, Pg 4: Obama ridicules critics as gas prices keep rising.
Al Gore ran for President on a platform of increasing gasoline prices by 50 cents. His crusade to throttle and restrict fossil-fuels was greatly expanded by many of his Alarmist-followers including Steven Chu, a research scientist, who proposed that US gasoline prices must be increased to $10 per gallon to be equivalent to European prices. Obama was so elated with that concept that he made Chu his Energy Secretary responsible for shutting-down the American fossil-fuel systems.
No more drilling on Federal lands, no more off-shore drilling, no drilling in Alaska, stop surface mining for coal, shut down coal burning utilities, stop new oil pipelines, attack the new Fracking-Technology as evil and divert all US energy resources to solar panels and windmills. All this with no concept of scale, cost, adverse consequences or how to maintain a 24-7-365 national energy system.
Obama and Gore have succeeded in hobbling American’s energy systems and infrastructure. Except for oil and gas development on private and state lands where fossil fuel work continues under great negative pressure from Obama’s EPA.
NEW NEWS! Gasoline prices are increasing, and $4 to $5 gas is common, especially in the “blue” states. What to do? What to do?
Obama holds news conference: “It’s not my desire to have high gas prices in an election year!”
Chu testifying to Congress: “I’ve changed my mind! High gas prices are bad for the economy!” I’m trying to help!
The blatant disgusting hypocrisy of these charlatans is beyond belief! If they really believe man-made CO2 from burning fossil fuels is destroying the world then stand up and say so! If so, it’s not about the election STUPID! It’s about saving the world!
The total lack of creditability and candor from Obama and his minions makes one question why the major liberal media continue to follow this pied-piper like lemmings going over the cliff?

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