However, there are some fat that are good for the body and there are also some that aren't. To give you a clear understanding on the different kinds of fats, below is quick overview of their functions, sources and purpose.
And Cholesterol - Cholesterol are among the fatty acids present in the bloodstream which is naturally produced by the body. There are two types of cholesterol found in our bloodstream - HDL and LDL cholesterol. LDL or known as the bad cholesterol causes plaque formation and artery blockage which may lead to heart attacks and is major contributing factor to heart disease. HDL or the good cholesterol on the other hand, helps in unclogging blood vessels by fighting LDL cholesterol.
For Polyunsaturated lipids - Good sources of this kind of fatty acids can be found in nuts, cold water fish, leafy greens, fruits and some seeds. The best known polyunsaturated fat is known as the omega-3 fatty acids which can be mostly found in fish oil, fish and other seafood. This type of fat is proven to lower blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of eminent heart attacks.
Monounsaturated lipids - This type of lipid also helps in lowering blood cholesterol if you opt for foods that are low in saturated fats. Some great sources of monounsaturated fat will mostly come from avocados, monounsaturated margarines, oils and nuts.
Saturated fats - Eating prepared or processed foods, chips, cookies, pastries, meat fat, organ meats, cream, butter and cheese are highly saturated foods raises cholesterol. Thus, foods that are high in saturated fat are also high in cholesterol content. Beware and eat start eating smart for having high levels of cholesterol puts you at risk to heart disease, fatal heart attacks and stroke.
Trans fats - Trans fats are like saturated fat that raises LDL cholesterol and lowers the good cholesterol. These fats are mainly contained in foods which use hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable fats that can significantly affect your overall lipid count.
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