Friday, February 4, 2011

The Arrogance of ObamaCare Sinking

Roanoke Times,2/3/11, Pg 1 & 3: Tiny little print bottom Pa 1: Senate Republicans forcing a vote on health care.
This is the beginning of the end for the biggest Obamanation of the past two years that was passed by our arrogant government of the rejected:
The US Senate voted 47 to 51 to uphold the most sweeping socialistic intrusive government program in our lifetime and the Editors of the Roanoke Times join their associates at the Washington Post who also couldn’t bring themselves to print these numbers on the front page.
47 to 51, a stark lack of confidence and support by Reid’s US Senate.
The “New Improved” US Congress voted 245 to 189 to repeal and kill this badly flawed program. These votes are clearly a lack of commitment by the leadership of the country to proceed on this course.
Also Virginia’s Federal Court challenge to ObamaCare was upheld as was the court challenge in Florida by 26 State Governments.
At what point will Obama, Democrats and their associates come to realize that this massive incomprehensible act should be killed and a new bill be developed that is acceptable to the majority of people who are personally and significantly impacted by it? How can Obama and associates talk about foreign arrogant leaders when they are behaving so incredibly arrogant themselves?
Tale of Two Cities: Cairo & Washington DC
The people now have a clear understanding who their problem representatives are that are giving them the proverbial finger. The people can and will go to the 2012 polls with the same resolve that they showed in 2010 and change will happen again.
A Business Dictionary Definition of Target that is very applicable to the coming election:
"A Particular group of people, identified as the intended recipient of an advertisement or message. Also called a target population." And the message will clearly be CHANGE.
The arrogance of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team has been rejected by the American People!
Some Prior Items:

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