L. Czaran, Co-Chair of UNGIWG wrote earlier today, HUNAGI (which run the UNSDI Hungarian Coordination Office) will receive invitation to the UNGIWG-10 Plenary
UNGIWG tenth meeting19-21 October 2009
Bonn - Germany

Formed in 2000, UNGIWG is a network of UN professionals working in the fields of cartography, geospatial information management science and remote sensing to address issues of common concern - data collection, technologies, geospatial information exchange protocols, data and messaging standards, geographic naming conventions, cartographic production, positioning solutions, etc. Since its inception, UNGIWG has been also laying the foundations for a United Nations Spatial Data Infrastructure (UNSDI).
The Working Group and its more recent UNSDI efforts contribute substantively to the mission of the United Nations by promoting better inter-agency coordination and thus increased efficiency, and by also engaging with member states, regional organizations and partners in building consensus, promoting policy and governance mechanisms to ensure that geospatial data and information sharing practices are used widely in advancing peace, social, economic development, environmental and humanitarian agendas.
UNGIWG-10 will focus on the analysis of the Working Group’s achievements to date, on concrete and feasible actions for the next period, and a review of the UNSDI framework and progress with a view to accelerate its implementation. Case studies, best practices and other presentations are also foreseen.
Discussions will also address the very relevant theme of Climate Change, and ways to support Climate Change related work in the UN System in the next period."
Source: www.ungiwg.org
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