Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Newest UN SPIDER Newsletter

From our daily mail. The newset UN OOSA SPIDER Newsletter has been distributed with the following escorting letter:
"Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the UN-SPIDER December 2009 Updates. Please forward
this E-Mail to colleagues who might benefit from receiving the information.
This publication is also accessible at: 
1. UNOOSA staff bridge climate change mitigation and space-based technology
at COP15
2. UN-SPIDER 2010-2011 Workplan approved by Member States
3. COPUOS S&T to consider UN-SPIDER Progress and Planned Activities
4. UN-SPIDER conducts Technical Advisory Mission to Jamaica
5. UN-SPIDER participates in the 4th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive
Disaster Management
6. Technical Advisory Mission conducted in Fiji
7. Technical Advisory Mission conducted in Samoa
8. Fifth UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office established in Algeria
9. UN OCHA Sri Lanka office launched new Map Atlas


NIDM – UNOOSA Workshop: Use of Space Technology for Disaster Risk
Reduction, New Delhi, India, 11-13 January 2010

Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction 2010, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 17-19
January 2010

The 16th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
(APRSAF-16), Phuket, Thailand, 26-29 January 2010

GI4DM 2010 Conference, February 2-4, 2010, Torino, Italy

International Training Course on Application of Space Technology for
Disaster Management Support with Emphasis on Geological Risk Management

Fourth Central Asia GIS Conference - GISCA 2010: Water: Life, Risk, Energy
and Landuse - May 27-28, 2010, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic "

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