Celeste champagne, tea and dining room

the bar

and the smokers' room

Celeste Concept Store in the ground floor

found ocean paintings at the male toilet

and the female toilet, soon to be transformed into the Black Cubicle Toilet Gallery!

Celeste House, the only place in the world where I have a napkin with my name embroided on it waiting for me (thanks for the photo Hans!)
Celeste House
Located in a three story old town house in the Anzures neighbourhood of Mexico City, Celeste House has a different function on each of its floors: a concept store on the ground floor, a beauty clinic on the first floor, and a tea room/champagne bar on the second floor. Celeste House is the brainchild of the editors of Celeste Magazine, the couple formed by art curator/business entrepreneur Vanesa Fernandez and her husband, artist Aldo Chaparro, who have now made a live version of their magazine.
ground floor:
Celeste Concept Store. The store has selected objects and products from around the world collected from a Victorian perspective of travel, antique, old and new, from selected books, music, fossils, jewellery, fur duvets, stationary, cigars, orchids, rare crafts, antiques, contemporary design for the house, stuffed animals, silver, mammoth ivory, as well as fashion items, from very young Mexican designers created especially for Celeste to Christian Louboutin shoes, as well as lingerie and traditional Tardan hats with the option to have them tailor made to the exact size and shape of your head.
first floor: Botica Cebeth. Located inside Celeste House, Botica Cebeth is like a XXI century apothecary with a revolutionary homeopathic treatment called ‘phytotherapy’ for the skin (phytotherapy is the use of plant extracts for healing purposes). Unique to the world, this service designs comprehensive treatments and fully personalized formulas to obtain accumulative and long-lasting results. A visit to Cebeth includes a tailor made treatment delivered in old-school apothecary bottles, and extraordinary skin results.
second floor: The Celeste Champagne Tea Room is located in a terrace and has skylights on the roof. An English tea room during the day and a bar at night, it also has a smoking room with a chimney. It is also the only place in the country that sells Pimms. Celeste House serves proper English afternoon tea (scones, clotted cream, elaborate pastries and cucumber sandwiches). There is also a menu for lunch or dinner consisting of game dishes, and delicatessens. The smoking room furniture has been designed by Aldo Chaparro, while the silver (tea set, strainers, flower vase, champagne bucket, etc) were designed by Vanesa Fernández and hand made by one of the oldest silversmith families in Mexico.
Celeste House
Open till late.
Darwin with Kepler, Anzures, Mexico City
T 26146031