Saturday, April 30, 2011

Space-based information for Crowdsource Mapping - UN Conference on Disaster Management and Emergency Response

From our daily mail. David Stevens, Head of  the Vienna based UN-SPIDER sent the following circular letter:

"Dear Colleagues,
The "United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response - UN-SPIDER" was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006 with the following mission statement: "Ensure that all countries and international and regional organizations have access to and develop the capacity to use all types of space-based information to support the full disaster management cycle". Our ultimate aim is to help disaster management organisations access and use space-based information to support their work.
One of the core activities of the UN-SPIDER programme is the provision of technical advisory support to countries, including carrying out technical advisory missions. During these missions a team of experts meets with key disaster management authorities in the Government, UN agencies, regional and international organizations/initiatives and private entrepreneurs to discuss, make recommendations and develop guidelines to enhance the use of space-based information in disaster management. The purpose is to assess the current use of space-based technology and information for disaster management and emergency response, identify potential areas where space-based technology and information could play a greater role and contribute to improving the access to space-based technology and information.
The following Technical Advisory Missions are planned for the next 4 months:
    - Technical Advisory Mission to Sudan from 22-26 May 2011  - Technical Advisory Mission to Cameroon from 7-10 June 2011 - Technical Advisory Mission to Nigeria from 13-17 June 2011  - Technical Advisory Mission to Bangladesh from 20-24 June 2011 - Technical Advisory Mission to Sri Lanka from 8-12 August 2011
If your organisation is interested in providing support by joining one or more of these missions please do send an e-mail to us ( stating which country and the name of the expert being recommended to join the mission. 
Then as part of the one-year project “Space-based information for Crowdsource Mapping” we are organising a UN-SPIDER International Expert Meeting: Crowdsource Mapping for Preparedness and Emergency Response in Vienna, Austria from 5-6 July 2011. I am attaching the First Announcement of the Expert Meeting. If you are interested in participating we would welcome receiving an application from you. Please see the information and registration details at:
Thank-you for the support provided. Thank-you for your interest in the activities we organise. Please check regularly our knowledge portal for additional activities and news (
(See attached file: UN-SPIDER Expert Meeting Vienna 5-6JUL2011.pdf)
Programme Coordinator
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Vienna - Beijing - Bonn
Latest UN-SPIDER Newsletter -"

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