There're 2 curly guys outside there named Jake T. Austin and Harry Styles.
The cuteness of them made me screaming their name like a nut girl.
I love their curly hair ♥
Jake T. Austin.
Who don't know him?
He role as Max Russo, the little brother of Justin Russo (David Henrie) and Alex Russo (Selena Gomez) on the Disney Channel original series "Wizards of Waverly Place"
He role as Bruce with Emma Roberts on Hotel for dogs.
more info click here
Jake T. Austin |
Jake T. Austin |
Jake T. Austin |
Jake T. Austin |
Unfortunately, it seems like he grown up and his awesome curly hair was gone slowly, or he deliberately went to salon and remove his curly hair. I don't know.
Harry Styles
The boy who born on Feb 1, 1994 in UK is one of five One Direction British-Irish boy band personnel that I admire most!!!
I admire his country first, then I love his curly hair, then I love his voice, and finally I love him ♥
I wonder whether he had British accent or not. haha
more Harry click here
Harry Styles |
Harry Styles |
Harry Styles |
Harry Styles |
So, apa hubungannya Jake sama Harry? can you guess?
In my opinion, mereka itu mirip. They're like twins brother.
Ketika pertama kali melihat One Direction boy band, aku pikir personel yang rambutnya keriting itu si Jake Austin. Tapi, pas tau info lagi ternyata One Direction itu band British-Irish, setau aku si Jake itu asli Amerika, jadi ga mungkin itu dia. Sampe-sampe aku berdebat sama keponakan aku.
(m) me
(k) keponakan (kelas 6 SD)
m: eh One Direction itu boy band asal Inggris-Irlandia tau!
a: terus?
m: si Max Russo (Jake) kan orang Amerika.
a: yeee kan Inggris sama Amerika sama aja.
m: sama apanya?
a: yaaa Amerika itu kayak Jakarta, Inggris kayak Bandungnya
m: hah?
a: masih satu negara kok, orang mereka sama-sama ngomong pake bahasa Inggris
m: ya Tuhaaan, Amerika sama Inggris itu ga senegara, bahkan beda benua. Inggris benua Eropa kalo Amerika yaa benua Amerika
a: oooh, berarti Amerika itu kayak Malaysia dan Inggris itu kayak Indonesia ya?
m: iyadeh (biar cepet)
a: jadi bener kan yang di One Direction itu si Max Russo?
a: siapa dong?
m: GA TAU CARI AJA DI GUGEL (ga nyantai)
Iya ga sih Harry Styles sama Jake T. Austin itu mirip?
NB: sampe sekarang masih penasaran kok keponakan gue oon banget ya bisa nganggap Amerika sama Inggris itu satu negara? nilai geografi dia berapa ya?
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