Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hassanal Abdullah, Tsaurah Litzky, and Nathan A. Versace Read at Park Plaza Restaurant Sat, 3/3 at 2:30 p.m.

Poetry Grows in Brooklyn Heights

The Brownstone Poets presents:
Hassanal Abdullah, Tsaurah Litzky, and
Nathan A. Versace

Saturday, March 3 at 2:30 p.m.

Park Plaza Restaurant

220 Cadman Plaza West near Clark St.and Pineapple Walk

Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 718 – 596 – 5900

Take the A or C to High Street, 2 or 3 to Clark Street,

4, 5 or R to Court Street, Borough Hall

For more directions:

$3 Donation – plus Food/Drink - Open-Mic

Curated by Patricia Carragon email:


Hassanal Abdullah, poet, novelist, critic, translator, and author of twnty-one books, was born in Bangladesh. He has introduced sonnets with rhyming scheme abcdabc efgdefg and seven lines stanza pattern, called Swatantra Sonnets.  The second edition of the book with the same title was published in 2004. The bilingual collection, Breath of Bengal (2000), which was published by Cross-Cultural Communications, Merrick, NY, and was translated into English by Nazrul Islam Naz, a British-Bengali poet. Hassanal is the editor a bilingual (Bengali-English) poetry journal, Shabdaguchha, which is also available online: He has been published in LIPS, the Paterson Literary Review, Poetrybay, Medicinal Purposes Literary Review, Asbestos, Long Island Sound, and more.  He has been honored as the 'Centerpiece Poet' in the Year's End Issue, 2001, of the Medicinal Purposes Literary Review.

Tsaurah Litzky is a poet who also writes erotica, fiction, creative nonfiction, art criticism and book reviews. However, Tsaurah says poetry is her heart and she considers it a great privilege to be a poet. She has had published fourteen poetry chapbooks, most recently Blue Blood of Morning from Snapdragon Press, now in its third printing. Her first major poetry collection, Baby On The Water, was published by Long Shot Press in 2003. Her new poetry collection, Cleaning The Duck, is just out from Bowery Books to rave reviews. Steve Cannon calls it "funny as hell." Steve Dalachinsky says it "shows us the soul of a poemlies within its honesty." 

Nathan A. Versace was born in Rochester, New York and spent his childhood surrounded by cows. In his Senior Year in high school, he ran a campaign of distortion and lies and won as Student Senate Chairman. He attended SUNY Geneseo where he was Editor of the school literary journal, The Experimentalist, a publication that he dedicated to avoiding the truth at all cost. His first published poem was about a large breasted woman in Volition based in San Francisco in 1984. His poetry and prose has since been published in about 50 publications nationwide including New York Press and New York Newsday. Wrote a column for Downtown/The Aquarian on East Village life called The Downtown Diaries from 1994-1997. While driving a cab in 1992, he met Norman Mailer who later granted him an interview a few months before his death. He is currently an employee of The Brooklyn Eagle where he contributes words, photography, and advertising dollars.  He has an easy life, can afford to take the subway at will.

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