Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get Roanoke Times For Latest Political Slant and Bias

Roanoke Times, 9/13/09, Pg Horiz 1 & 4: Will deep pockets always win?
Pg 2: Editorial: Opening the floodgate for corporate cash.
The deep pockets certainly worked for Obama against McCain didn’t they!
Extensive lamenting about how the American way of life will be destroyed if the Supreme Court rules that corporations can fund candidate based ads during national elections. The specific case is the pro-Obama movie “Hillary” that was intended to ensure Obama would win the Democrat nomination.
As yes, those awful and dangerous corporations. You know, the ones who create real jobs, create real wealth, pay real taxes and must compete in the real wide-wide-world without printing money or placing the American taxpayers in trillions of dollars of debt.
Surely they would favor conservative views at the expense of socialist views and therein lays the rub! Of course there was an impressive army of pro-Obama executives that showed-up during the last election, so apparently all executives are not Republican.
Not mentioned is the massive amount of money and in-kind contributions supporting left-wing and Democrat candidates by: unions, George Soros, Hollywood moguls, movie makers like Moore, and the massive overwhelming support by the major media including print and television whose one-sided coverage of “news” is worth hundreds of millions of dollars to liberal candidates.
Also not mentioned is the quid-pro-quo of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid team relative to the unions and Acorn and George Soros’ Brazilian oil investments that were just super-enhanced by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid subsidies for Brazilian off-shore oil drilling. Somehow none of this was mentioned in this article. Just those big bad Republicans and Corporations!
Some Prior Items:

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