Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stop The ObamaCare Mess And Start Fresh!

Roanoke Times, 1/23/09, Pg 5: 564 Senate Finance Committee amendments for Baucus ObamaCare Bill.
The ObamaCare Bill that was mandated to be completed by Congress and sent to Obama before the August recess now is a Baucus Senate DRAFT with 564 amendments!
Does anyone anywhere not understand that it’s not just the Republicans or the crowds at the town hall meetings or the folks that marched on Washington that have serious objections to the ObamaCare plans. And having Obama flying all over the country and appearing on every talk show telling conflicting stories and lies at every turn is not helping to develop appropriate changes to American Healthcare.
Obama’s first problem is that he has never written down and shared “his documented plan” with anybody and making it up on the run has caused him to totally loose his creditability.
Obama’s second problem is that cutting medical services from Medicare, adding hundreds of thousands of clients to Medicaid, forcing enrolment of millions of people into ObamaCare under the threat of fines and penalties penalizing those who have health insurance they earned by working a life-time and increasing the overall healthcare costs by $900 BILLION is not an acceptable plan for the American people.
In addition, the Obama Social Security financial fix, that is not yet visable, is probably going to be even bigger than fixing healthcare with total tax increases that will drive our standard of living back to a third world country level. And on top of that, Obama and associates want to CAP&TAX and retool our energy supply systems by trillions of dollars thereby destroying our ability to grow jobs in this country and compete in the world.
What part of stop and start fresh doesn’t Obama and his associates understand?
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