Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama: Commander of Unilateral Disarmament

Roanoke Times, 9/18/09, Pg 1 & 3: Obama canceled missile shield for Eastern Europe
Apparently Obama is continuing his ignorant and naïve program of unilateral disarmament!
Perhaps the chatty Yale Professor should consult his dictionary:
Negotiation: cooperation, compromise, concession, conciliation, finding the middle ground, give and take!
Apparently none of this “negotiation” occurred. What did the Russians concede?
They're supplying Iran with a nuclear power plant and anti-aircraft missiles. They also are supplying Chavez in Venezuela with anti-aircraft missiles. These are concessions?
Our East European friends who we freed from 50 years of Russian slavery are now under threat of the Red Tide again. Osama’s total lack of response to the Russian invasion and occupation of Georgia certainly set the stage for this totally one-sided capitulation.
So much for Obama's much ballyhooed “smart diplomacy”!
Roanoke Times, 9/19/09, Pg 3: Obama revamps missile defense plans. The new missile defense plan is SM-3 missiles on Aegis destroyers.
The operational range of the missiles are 310 miles. Has Obama looked at a map of the Middle East and Europe?
How much of these land masses and borders are protected by a hand-full of ships with a 300 mile missile range? Obama --- click on Google-Maps and start drawing 300 mile radius circles.
Clearly Obama is back to insulting not only our intelligence but also that of all our allies!
While you’re at it Obama – look at a map of the United States and draw the same 300 mile radius circles from where our ships could be. Who and what is protected and how many ships will be required?
Oh excuse me! That’s right! Not to worry! Obama has declared we’re not at war anymore and the prior Muslim-extremist-terrorists are no longer a threat because Obama has apologized to them and explained the new world order to them.

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