Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Obama’s Trifecta: Va, NJ, Ma

One year to the day of Prince Obama’s Reign, he hit the losers trifecta: Va, NJ, Ma!
Obama’s last ditch effort was to travel to Boston and ridicule Scott Brown’s pickup truck. The last time I saw that was Ed Koch, mayor of NYC, running for Gov of NY ridiculed the upstate vote by saying they wouldn’t vote because they were busy driving their pickup trucks downtown to get a seersucker suit. Ed lost big and so did Obama!
The Democrats friends in the liberal and left-wing media fired some of the vilest and most vicious personal attacks I have ever heard. MSNBC’s Olbermann topped the list with:
"In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees," MSNBC host Keith Olbermann said, echoing the fear chamber that has included several senators making overt reference to the sex act in describing the conservative grassroots tea party movement.
The liberal mouth-piece Gergen who moderated the last debate set-up the most poignant statement of the campaign:
Gergen to Brown: You mean you would use Ted Kennedy’s seat to vote against healthcare?
Scott Brown: This is not a Kennedy seat; this is the people’s seat!
That exchange is at the very core of the people’s rebellion against the obscene arrogance of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Democrat team.
During Scott Brown’s acceptance speech the crown chanted:
John Kerry you’re next -- Yes we can!
How appropriate!
Just some more hope and change we can believe in! Yes we can!
Some Prior Items:

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