Friday, January 29, 2010

Professor Obama Gives Yet Another Lecture

Roanoke Times, 1-29-10, Pg 1 & 17: Editorial: The State of the Union: Obama still hopes for change. He must overcome many obstacles before he can deliver on his promises.
Twelve months in office with very limited positive accomplishments certainly didn’t stop our Aloft Arrogant Professor Obama from getting up in front of his lowly ignorant students and giving yet another lecture about the joys of socialism, big government, big taxes and big debt.
If you listened carefully you could hear the old civil war song playing in the background:
Neck Deep in the Big Muddy and the Big Fool Says Push-ON.
One might think that at some point in the speech Obama would turn to his wife and say:
Gee Michelle, I’ve a feeling we’re not at Yale anymore!
The reality of the recent voter sentiments and behaviors in the Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts elections (all of which he won big in Nov 08) have not penetrated the psyche of our Presidential Professor and his associates Polosi and Reid. This state of denial is not helpful in moving the country forward to face and solve our most pressing and immediate problems and setting the stage for long term private-sector growth and prosperity.
A significant contributor to his problems is the reality that he has surrounded himself in the Presidential Palace with left-wing ideologues reinforced by two dozen Czars and hundreds of court jesters hardly any of which have ever managed or created a single private sector job.
It has become clear for all to see that being a Liberal University Professor and a community organizer is not an adequate or proper basis for managing The American Enterprise.
Surrounding this socialist cabal is an army of left-wing liberal media trying desperately to protect their investment in the Obama legacy. For them there is no reality, only spin and propaganda and word-smithing without the reality of truth, content, perspective and honest journalism.
Hopefully a movement of centrist pragmatic realists will emerge from this mess and will form the basis for constructive national policies and private sector job development and growth that have always been and hopefully will continue to be the basis of our economic, social and political systems.
The results of the Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts elections are promising and hopefully portend a brighter future of constructive change we can support!
Some prior items:


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