Friday, July 29, 2011

Obama, Congress; Why Raise Debt Limit?

Why raise the debt limit and further sink further into massive interest payments and the Chinese web of influence and control?
As the new “sixteen tons” song says:
One day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the Chinese Reds
Roanoke Times, 7-28-11, Pg 1 – 16: Congress still deadlocked on debt deal
Pg 16: Dow Jones loses 198 points as debt crisis deepens
Pg 16: Credit Agencies say current proposals fall short of $4 TRILLION savings and it is that overwhelming and unresolved debt that will cause US credit to be downgraded.
7-29-11, Pg 1 – 8: House vote on debt limit put off ( 7-28 PM)
Vote was taken and passed today; the second debt limit plan sent by the House to the Senate where Democrats would not even debate or negotiate but tabled it instead.
What sense of urgency does that reflect?  What is the real Obama/Democrat Agenda?
“As the evening slipped by, the White House poked fun at Republicans”
For John Stewarts commentaries on Obama’s Positions click-on the following link:
It is not raising the $14 TRILLION debt limit that is the problem,
It is the $14 TRILLION debt itself; and the current Obama budget that increases the debt an additional $1.4 TRILLION again this year; and to compound this major problem is the ongoing Democrat plan to TAX, SPEND AND BORROW without limit into the future.
Obama's Debt Limit Leadership Statement (2006)

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