Monday, July 25, 2011

Our Government - Just Not Responsible

Three persons climbed over a fence at Yosemite National Park and were swept over a 300 foot waterfall to their death.
The Park Service spokesman said: “the railing and sign are adequate, and it’s the visitor’s responsibility to exercise judgment and caution when near any cliff”.
If this were a privately owned property or that of a business or corporation there would be law suites and multiple government investigations including the implication of criminality due to negligence and depraved indifference. Just fall out of a carnival ride and see what happens.
And where in any Obama Administration initiative is the concept of “personal responsibility and the exercise of good judgment” presented?
The news is now touting the increased risk of mosquitoes spreading diseases in the US due to increased temperatures. No where does the news or the government address the over one million third world people who have died from malaria each year since the US imposed a DDT ban in 1972. Too bad about them; things might have been done differently if they voted in the US; perhaps not.
There has never been a successful law suite compensating victims of violence who were supposed to be protected by a court “protective order”, or due to the slow or absent action by police to protect a person. These cases are always thrown out of court with the statement: “the police job is to protect the public, and not a particular person”. How comforting is that?
And what responsibility has the government taken for the malfeasance of taking and misappropriating the Social Security and Medicaid Trust Funds and spending those funds for whatever they thought would get them reelected? Whenever business people are caught misappropriating their employees retirement funds they typically go to jail!
And what responsibility, accountability or liability has the Obama Administration acknowledged for the deaths and injuries resulting from directing that firearms be delivered to felons and drug-terrorists?
As the government becomes more intrusive into our lives (to and including “touching and viewing in-detail your junk”) and less responsible, accountable or liable for their actions, the individual truly becomes an unimportant cog in a big government wheel and reminds one of the masses in the 1984 Mac Ad:
The young woman with the big-hammer in this video was clearly the first tea-party person!

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