Friday, November 4, 2011

Corzine: Another Obama Political And Wall Street Looser

Not found in the Roanoke Times. Apparently Ms. Tarrant is too busy picking up her Mimmi Award for covering tragedy and trauma.
One would think covering Obama in general and this item in particular would certainly put her over the top for that award category. Go Girl!
Two victorious losers: The Tragedy and The Trauma
Jon Corzine was booted from Goldman Sachs in 1999, but not before pocketing a cool $400 million.
(How bad must one be to get booted from Goldman Sachs?)
The following year he used $62 million of that haul to buy a Democrat seat in the Senate -- the most expensive Senate campaign in history.
At the end of his first term, he spent $38 million to buy the New Jersey governorship, which he then lost in November 2009 to Republican Chris Christie. He made his way back to Wall Street, where, this week, he presided over the $41 billion bankruptcy of MF Global Holdings, the eighth largest corporate bankruptcy on record. He resigned Friday morning.
At this point Jon Corzine has not disclosed the whereabouts of ONE HALF BILLION DOLLARS of unaccounted for MF Global Holdings funds.
As a liberal senator his support for Obama's big government programs included: universal health care and gun registration, affirmative action and same-sex marriage. He's an alumnus of the Chicago crowd and he was on Obama's short list for treasury secretary.
So why doesn’t Obama sic his Street Army hounds onto Corzine? Why aren’t they camped out at his home?  At some point the Street Army people will discover that Obama’s Christmas Card List is loaded with Wall Street and K-Street biggies who have given him millions of dollars more than to any Republicans. But then again, that’s not the criteria to be singled out for abuse.

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