Thursday, November 24, 2011

Obama The Russian Thanksgiving Turkey

Roanoke Times, 11-24-11, Pg 9: Russia wants binding agreement on missile shield
Nice how the Editorial Girls at the RT hid this MAJOR Obama foreign affairs failure in small print on Pg 9; section: “around the word”. It might be interesting to know what these girls “wouldn’t do” for Obama! Talk about your Star Struck Groupies!
Here’s just a short summary of Russia having “The Obama Turkey” for Thanksgiving:
The Russian tanks and troops rolled over and annexed two provinces of Poland; “Obama The Turkey” didn’t even gobble.
Russia forced “Obama The Turkey” to cancel missile defenses for Poland and the Czech Republic; not even a gobble.
Obama has “begged” (he’s excellent at bowing and kowtowing) Russia multiple times for help to constrain Iran’s nuclear weapons program; Russian response: Nyet ! “Obama The Turkey”; not even a gobble.
And now Russia has declared that if the US and its allies in Europe unilaterally deploy a missile shield, even if it’s only radar systems, Russia will target those facilities with its offensive missile systems.
“Obama The Turkey” is hiding behind his “Occupy Army” for Thanksgiving.
The Obama foreign strategy of appeasement is a “Turkey” now just as it was for Neville Chamberlain in 1939.  Appeasement in the Middle East and with Russia will result in increasing confrontations and isolation of the US and our allies.
Obama and the last sled dog are “Leading from the rear”.
Bad Leadership Location: no matter where the sled may go, their view is always the same.
And yet again at a most opportune time, Thanksgiving Address to the nation, Obama could not bring himself to include God in his message.
What a stark contrast to Lincoln's Thanksgiving Address in 1863:
Are the good times over for good?  It's all up to the 2012 voters!

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