Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama’s School Policy – Dumb Them Down Some More

Roanoke Times, 3-29-11, Pg 5: Obama: Standardized tests used to ‘punish’.
Students should take fewer tests, measure students other ways, don’t punish students or schools for failing performance. Find a test that “everyone agrees with”.
Obama should reflect on the “United College Fund’s” advertising slogan”: “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste”; instead of kowtowing to the teachers unions and the proponents of mediocrity he should be setting the standard for achievement and accomplishment. Apparently that’s not politically correct for a “community organizer” from Chicago.
Apparently many of those who are responsible for student performance don’t want measurement and accountability. Let’s all just vote on who is mastering the basic courses that are essential to be a productive member of our society.
“We don’t need no stinkin grades to decide who is teaching and who is learning”.
And let’s not measure the schools or the teaching system. Let’s just keep spending $150,000 for each student for K12 and their part-time attendance.
However, when one exits high school there are other tests to be taken in an ever increasing competitive world economy:
Drivers test
College entry tests
Trade school entry tests
Trade licensing tests (plumbers, electricians, carpenters)
Job entry tests for aptitude, skill and knowledge of the job
To name just a few.
Apparently Obama wishes to eliminate these too, after all, these “standardized” tests are just used to “punish” and why would your Doctor ever need to pass a test anyway?
Once again Obama is proving to be a huge disappointment and embarrassment to all the intelligent people who voted for and supported him. Talk about your break-down in the election “truth in advertising” process! However, the Editors of the Roanoke Times are in lock-step with Obama and associates and doing all they can to perpetuate his misdirection and wrong-headed policies. They consider this to be part of their public service activity.
Prior Items:
Yet Another Misdirected Roanoke Times Rant About Schools
Too dumb to serve?

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