Saturday, March 12, 2011

Whose Working Rights Are They Anyway?

The liberal media is awash with sympathy for the government unions in Wisconsin and their irresponsible “hide in the bushes” Democrat State Senators. Their allegations of denial of civil rights with no mention of the gross and uncivil actions of the unions and their bussed-in thugs highlights their practice of slant and bias.
Whose Working Rights Are They Anyway?
Everyone should have a fair chance for an available job based on skill and knowledge and willingness and ability to do the job.
So why is joining a union a condition of employment?
And why is paying union dues to a union even if you don’t join a union a condition of employment?
Why do employers, including the government, deduct union dues from your paycheck and send your money to a union you don’t belong to, or don’t want to belong to (without your consent or approval)?
So whose civil rights are being trashed, and by whom?
Right to Work States do not allow these types of abuses of workers rights!
If you qualify and are chosen for the job – union membership and payment of dues is your choice.
Government officials and bureaucrats cannot be trusted to be agents for the taxpayers to negotiate with unions. They have no incentives to incur the wrath of organized labor.
The result: give them whatever they want and just raise the tax rates.
And guess which states are billions of dollars in debt, with staggering taxes and with businesses moving out?
The pay, benefits and retirement packages of most unionized government workers is far beyond the private sector and far beyond the value-add of the employees. It’s way past due that someone stands-up for reason and reality.
Virginia is a shining example of a “Right to Work State” and we all are beneficiaries of that sound and prudent policy.
Some prior items:

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